If you were going to build a barrier between the atmosphere and the water in a pond or lake, what material would you use, and how would you construct it? The construction industry would probably use concrete or iron. The problem with these materials is that they are vulnerable to chemical degradation and changes in temperature. In recent years, we have seen bridges collapse after relatively short periods of existence. Bridge design is difficult because the atmosphere presents a different set of problems than those encountered in the underwater world. God has an answer to this issue, which we can see in looking at the design and structure of Victoria waterlilies.
In the Amazon River, the leaves of the Victoria amazonica waterlily can grow to 10 feet in diameter. These lilies have very large, flat green leaves that grow on the surface of the water. The submerged stalk can grow to 26 feet long at an inch per hour. For protection from underwater herbivores, the salk and leaf bottoms are covered with numerous small spines.
The very large leaves have a network of veins underneath that some have compared to “transverse girders and supports.” This lattice-like structure under the leaves allows the plant to hold air, giving the leaf great strength and buoyancy. If the weight is evenly distributed across one leaf, it can support hundreds of pounds.
Many times, people have copied the amazing designs we see in the natural world, and Victoria water lilies may be one example. You can see them in many botanical gardens in the United States and other countries. Everywhere we look, we see the wisdom and design of God in His creation. However, the most amazing thing about the Victoria amazonica waterlily is the system it uses to reproduce. We will look at that tomorrow.
— John N. Clayton © 2024
References: worldatlas.com and wikipedia.org
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