What Gender is God?

What Gender is God?

Yesterday, we said that many people are confused about God. We learn that from the questions we receive. For example, some ask if God is male or female. God is not a sexual being, and gender descriptions in the Bible are always symbolic of the message presented. It is obvious that someone doesn’t understand the biblical concept of God if they ask, “What gender is God?”

When Jesus expressed His sorrow for Jerusalem, He used the female image of a hen and her chickens in Luke 13:34. At other times, He referenced male images when He spoke of “my Father.” But the essential point is that God is not a physical being. Throughout the New Testament, there is a strong emphasis that God is a spiritual being. For example, “God is spirit…” John 4:24.

The message is that God is concerned about spiritual things over material things. The Bible describes prayer as being oriented toward the spiritual and not the physical. Even Christians have been confused about how God answers prayers. James 4:3 says, “You ask, and you don’t receive because you ask in error wanting to consume it on your lust.” Asking God to meet our physical desires emphasizes the wrong thing and will not produce a positive result.

When people read passages such as Matthew 7:7-8 and John 14:13-15, 15:7,16, they assume Jesus is saying that anything His followers ask will be given to them–no matter what it is. However, if you look at the context of these promises of Christ, you will see that they all relate to spiritual things. If all a person had to do to be cured of sickness or to make a lot of money were to become a Christian and pray to God, people would be flocking to churches to get a solution to their physical dilemmas.

Asking, “What gender is God?” shows a misunderstanding of how the Bible describes God. However, understanding what God is and what He desires for us can help us appreciate the meaning and importance of prayer. More on that tomorrow.

— John N. Clayton © 2022