Reasons for Divorce

Reasons for Divorce

The Saturday Evening Post reprinted a survey of the reasons for divorce compiled in 1950 based on 425 divorce case files. The author, David G. Wittles, ignored what he called the “symptoms” and listed these nine as the actual causes of divorce:

1) Emotional immaturity
2) Our modern industrial civilization, which has wiped out many of the material reasons for family life.
3) The idea that romantic love is the main reason and sufficient basis for marriage.
4) Parental disapproval and mother-in-law trouble.
5) Differences in background.
6) Finances and lack of housing.
7) Jobs for women.
8) Ambition.
9) Infidelity.

We can speculate whether those are the same reasons for divorce today, but the bottom line is that when we throw out God’s plan, divorce is likely. A current survey would be very interesting.

Biblical marriage came about because (1) It is not good for men (or women) to be alone and (2) Men need a helper to fill in for what they cannot do by themselves – also true for women. (See Genesis 2:18). In 1 Corinthians 7:1-5, Paul explains the physical side of marriage, and all studies have shown that the best sex is with one faithful partner. Those who look for modern solutions to their sexual needs are 100% sure not to find them. The effect that marriage has on raising children is another essential part of this discussion. Blended families can work, but a stable nuclear family is the long-term best way to raise a child.

Ephesians 6:1-4 and Colossians 3:21 spell out what God intended for fathers to be. This has nothing to do with conception but how children are loved and cared for by the male image in their childhood. God’s plan has worked for centuries, and the basic needs of men, women, and children have not changed.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: “The Real Reason for Divorce” in the January/February 2025 issue of the Saturday Evening Post, page 76

Life on Mars in Fiction and Fact

Life on Mars in Fiction and Fact

Our fascination with Mars goes back to American sci-fi, with War of the Worlds, written by H. G. Wells and published in 1898. It was recreated as a radio drama by Orson Welles on Halloween in 1938, causing panic in America. In 1950, Ray Bradbury released a novel called The Martian Chronicles, which ended with the Earth destroyed by nuclear war. In 2005, Steven Spielberg directed a movie based on the Wells novel starring Tom Cruise. In 2015, The Martian was a science fiction movie starring Matt Damon. We have now scientifically investigated the red planet, resolving the question of life on Mars.

Measurements made by NASA’s Curiosity Rover from four Gale crater sites show that there is no life on Mars and that there has never been life on Mars’ surface. The ratios of carbon and oxygen isotopes indicate that no biosphere existed on the planet. Rock samples show extreme rates of evaporation and carbon flowing into the atmosphere like bubbles from a pressurized can of soda.

Previous measurements on Mars have been made in ice, which forms and melts there with some degree of regularity. For the first time, science has isotopic readings from rock samples. One can argue that there has been life on Mars in the distant past preserved many feet below ground, but drill cores have not backed up that theory.

The more we learn from scientific data gathered in space, the more we realize how extraordinary life is on Earth. Mars is NOT our twin planet, and no planet in our solar system is. Travel to another star and another solar system would not be within human capacity at any time during the lives of those living today. Humans may destroy Earth by nuclear war, but Bradbury’s story of The Martian Chronicles is not a predictor of how that might happen.

The Bible says God created time, space, matter-energy, and life. It doesn’t tell us when or how many steps were involved in creating the planet on which we live. The Bible does tell us how to live and avoid the things that can destroy this planet. Albert Einstein is purported to have said that if nuclear war is used in World War III, World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Moving to Mars is not an option. We can avoid wars by following the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 5-7.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: American Scientist magazine for January/February 2025 (page 10)

The Amazing Chameleons

The Amazing Chameleons
Veiled Chameleon

Everywhere we look on our wonderful planet, we see unique creatures. One of the most interesting examples is the chameleon. One species is the veiled chameleon, which gets its name from a protrusion that rises like a crest to protect the animal’s eyes as they live in bushes and shrubs. All chameleons have sticky tongues they can shoot out of their mouths to capture the insects they eat. The amazing chameleons have some unique equipment.

Chameleons have a prehensile tail and grasping feet for clinging to the trees and bushes where they live. In dry seasons, they eat plants to get enough moisture for survival. Unlike most animals, they can almost instantly change color to match their environment, making their camouflage complete. What is truly unique about chameleons is that their brain can use its two lobes together or separately. When the chameleon moves or shoots out its tongue, it focuses both eyes on its path or the prey for depth perception. When looking for prey or watching for a predator, the two eyes function independently and can each rotate 180 degrees.

Pet stores have made a business out of selling chameleons because they are so unique and are not large. It is difficult to suggest an evolutionary path for the unique features of the amazing chameleons. They are a marvelous example of God’s wisdom and design and reinforce the biblical claim, “We can know there is a God through the things He has made” (Romans 1:20).

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: American Scientist magazine for January-February 2025, page 6

Designed to Soar

Designed to Soar

You would think that by this time, we would know all there is to know about birds, but an international group of researchers found that soaring birds are designed differently from non-soaring birds. Using computer (CT) scans, the researchers found that soaring birds have an air-filled sac attached to their lungs. This subpectoral diverticulum air sac exists in diverse soaring birds, including bald eagles, turkey vultures, brown pelicans, and western gulls. The researchers did not find it in any non-soaring birds. This feature shows that some birds are designed to soar.

The subpectoral diverticulum appears to boost the power of the flight muscles, allowing the birds to stay aloft for long periods without flapping their wings. As the researchers studied 68 species broadly representing the diversity of birds on Earth, they found the air sac only in the lines of soaring birds. Lead author Dr. Emma Schachner of the University of Florida said, “This evolutionary pattern strongly suggests that this unique structure is functionally significant for soaring flight.” But how can evolution explain that lines of soaring birds “evolved” this trait independently? Evolutionary biologists call it “convergent evolution,” but we suggest it shows intelligent design.

The diversity seen in birds is amazing. Some, such as penguins, don’t fly but travel underwater. Others, including ostriches, don’t fly but travel by foot on dry land. Now, we see that soaring birds are designed to soar. An essential point to remember is that evolution does not create anything. It simply modifies what has already been created. Finding a way to create an air sac from an existing structure to supplement flight is a challenge for evolutionists. This structure shows that some birds were designed to soar from the start.

In Job 38-39, God poses questions for Job to answer, and He draws on the diversity He built into birds. The raven in Job 38:41 is very different from the ostrich of Job 39:13-16. In Job 39:26-27, God asks about the hawk and the eagle. Job couldn’t answer those questions, and we are still trying to answer some of them today. It is a wonderful time to be alive as we learn new things about the handiwork of God.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
References: National Wildlife magazine for the winter of 2025, page 9, and the journal Nature.

Dry January and Alcohol

Dry January and Alcohol

Over a decade ago, people in the United Kingdom began a tradition called Dry January, in which participants pledged to give up alcohol for a month. According to National Geographic, more than 20% of Americans now participate. A part of this is due to educated people understanding what alcohol does to the human body.

When a person consumes alcohol, the liver breaks it down to acetaldehyde, which is highly toxic and a known carcinogen. In addition to damaging the liver, alcohol can cause serious damage to the heart, pancreas, brain, and gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol use is associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, dysbiosis (which is damage to the lining of the intestines), and certain types of cancer. It even weakens the immune system and impairs the brain.

Liver disease caused by alcohol is fat accumulation, leading to inflammation, scarring, and ultimately to cirrhosis – which is irreversible. Until the cirrhosis stage, the liver has an enormous regenerative capacity and could benefit from a Dry January. According to Carrie Mintz of Washington University in St. Louis, “…you can have noticeable health effects when you stop drinking alcohol for a month.”

It is essential to understand that this situation has worsened in modern times because modern distillation increases the alcohol content. In the days of Jesus, water was universally contaminated. Paul advised Timothy, “Do not continue to drink water only, but make use of a little wine for your digestion and your frequent ailments” (1 Timothy 5:23). In John 2, we read of Jesus turning the water into wine during a wedding feast, a very long affair when people needed to drink water treated with quality wine. The wedding feast was a feast and celebration, not a drunken brawl.

Steven Tate, a physician at Stanford University, describes alcohol use in America for many people as a “slip into an addiction.” There is no question that alcohol is the most destructive recreational drug in human history. Getting people to abstain for a month during Dry January may be an answer to reversing the trend as long as some other drug like marijuana doesn’t take its place.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: National Geographic magazine January 2025, pages 107-109 or online HERE

The Fear of Snakes

The Fear of Snakes
Farancia erytrogramma  the rainbow snake

Everything in existence had a reason to be created, even snakes. There are over 3600 species of snakes, and roughly 725 of them are venomous. However, only about 200 species can harm or fatally injure a human with just one bite. The fear of snakes is common. Snakes vary in size, with the smallest being the Barbados thread snake, which grows to a maximum of roughly 4 inches. The largest found so far is a reticulated python, 23 feet long and weighing over 215 pounds.

So, why are people afraid of snakes? Movie watchers may remember the scene in “Raiders of the Lost Ark” when Indiana Jones looked over ruins and saw the floor was covered with snakes. He muttered, “Snakes, why did it have to be snakes!” The fear of snakes predates Indiana Jones. Many Bible passages involve snakes. When Moses threw his stick on the ground in Exodus 4:1-3, it became a snake, and Moses ran from it.

Why do snakes exist, and what lessons do they have for us? First, on a scientific level, snakes are incredibly well-designed to eat warm-blooded pests. They smell by using their forked tongues to collect airborne scent particles. They deposit those particles on special organs called vomeronasal or Jacobson’s organs on the roof of their mouths. In addition, snakes have nerves on their underside, which are very sensitive to vibration. These features enable snakes to go into a burrow and remove a rodent that would otherwise be a pest to humans. Snakes are rarely aggressive. They bite when someone invades the snake’s territory or deliberately antagonizes it.

In Mark 16:17-18 Jesus speaks about snakes as He describes His followers: “…they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Some denominations have handled snakes as a part of their worship service. This display of bravado is not what Jesus was talking about. At the time Jesus spoke, there were no scriptures to allow a person to whether or not a messenger was from God. Jesus said his messengers would be fluent in many languages and able to handle snakes, drink poison, and heal the sick 100% of the time. None of the current “snake handlers” can do all of those things. We learn from 1 Corinthians 13:8 that those things are unnecessary after God’s perfect word became available.

In Genesis 3:1-4, was Eve dealing with a talking snake? Was the curse on the snake in verses 14-15 to crawl for future generations? Looking at all these verses, it seems that the message is spiritual and involves offspring. You can see that in the highly symbolic contrast between crushing the head and striking the heel. The theological debate on these questions has gone on for thousands of years.

Despite the fear of snakes, the bottom line is
that snakes serve humans in marvelous ways. They should be respected rather than feared. Genesis reminds us of Satan’s power and the importance of living as God has told us to.

— John N. Clayton © 2025

The Religion of Scientism

The Religion of Scientism

We get a lot of mail from skeptics and atheists who state that “religion is the opiate of the masses” and that they have no religion. Karl Marx made this statement, but it is not accurate. Britannica defines religion as “a human being’s relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of special reverence.” That applies to the religion of scientism, which says that science is the only source of knowledge.

Many people hold to a human system of belief. Scientist Stephen Hawking made science fit the definition of scientism. Hawking wrote that “scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery.” As a science teacher and a person trained in the physical sciences, I understand that science has taught us many wonderful things, but it does not have all the answers.

You can learn many wonderful things outside of what science can measure or discover. Why did the universe come into being? What is the meaning of human existence? What happens after we die? What is the basis for morality? Why is there something instead of nothing? How did gravity come into existence? These are all questions science can’t answer. John C. Lennox, in his book God and Stephen Hawking, points out that what is going on in our academic world today is not science versus religion, but rather it is theism versus atheism. Many have adopted the religion of scientism.

The dictionary defines science as knowledge. Wikipedia defines scientism as “the belief that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality.” We can be amazed by what science can do, but science cannot answer many essential questions.

Science has given us many ways to kill one another. War has affected us all, and science offers no answer as to how to stop it. In contrast, the teachings of Jesus Christ tell us how to stop war. Read Matthew 5-7 and ask yourself what the world would be like if everyone accepted and applied those teachings. Now, consider what the world will be like if we continue to allow greed, selfishness, and political ambition to control all of humanity.

Those who reject God and Christ’s teachings will embrace some other human belief system. Will we allow atheism and the religion of scientism to govern our future, or will we accept the message of Jesus Christ?

— John N. Clayto n © 2024

Wildlife in Winter and Conifers

Wildlife in Winter survive because of conifer forests

Winter presents new challenges for all of us, but God has made unique provisions for wildlife in winter. One of the most interesting is the conifers and what they provide for birds.

Winter does not threaten northern birds because all the food and shelter they need is available in four conifers. Berries last through the winter on winterberry holly, Virginia creeper, and trumpet honeysuckle. Cedars have cones and attract insects like carpenter ants that birds eat. Cedar waxwings, golden-crowned kinglets, and pileated woodpeckers thrive on Cedars. Spruce trees have seeds that feed evening grosbeaks, fox sparrows, and juncos. Fir trees provide for nuthatches, chickadees, and spotted owls. Birds can open the cones of white pines to eat the seeds, with nutcrackers and crossbill finches being the most adept.

Conifers exist virtually everywhere on planet Earth, which means bird habitats are available everywhere. The survival of wildlife in winter is possible for birds, other animals, and the plants they depend on. While tropical areas might seem ideal for birds, winter offers freedom from most parasites and provides a host of food and shelter sources. Conifers grow at high elevations and high latitudes where other plants could not exist.

There is amazing diversity everywhere we look on our planet, providing a great testimony to the wisdom and design God has put into His creation. Genesis 8:22 indicates that summer and winter are built into the creation, and Psalms 74:17 tells us God is the creator of summer and winter. As we look outside here in Michigan, we see many birds thriving despite the snow and ice. The survival of wildlife in winter is based on the protection they have from the cold and the food that is readily available to birds in the conifers.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: Audubon magazine for winter, 2024 page 50. Also of interest is

The Value of a Dinosaur Fossil

The Value of a Dinosaur Fossil
Stegasaurus Fossil in Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh

What is the value of a dinosaur fossil? In 2024, the current record price for a fossilized dinosaur skeleton is $44,600,000 paid for a Stegosaurus fossil nicknamed Apex. The fossil, found in Colorado in 2022, is 27 feet long and 11 ½ feet tall. Kenneth C. Griffin, who bought the Stegosaurus fossil, is loaning it to the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan, which expects millions of visitors to come and see it. The previous record for a dinosaur fossil was $31,800,000 paid in 2020 for a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil named Stan, which is going to be displayed in Abu Dhabi. A T-rex fossil named Sue, on display in the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, sold in 1997 for a mere $8.3 million.

What is the value of a dinosaur fossil that can command such enormous prices? Griffin says, “Apex offers a unique window into our planet’s distant past. The joy and awe every child feels coloring a Stegosaurus with their crayons will now be brought to life for the millions of people who have the opportunity to see this epic dinosaur in person.”

Are there religious or biblical connections to finding a dinosaur fossil? For some religious denominations, the answer may be negative. It is difficult to imagine how humans could exist with an animal of this size. As people look at this colossal dinosaur fossil they may be unable to accept the idea that humans and dinosaurs were contemporaries, and they would be right.

The Genesis account contains no Hebrew word that could be translated as “dinosaur” or “Stegosaurus. “Some people refer to “Behemoth” in Job chapter 40. The word “behemah” is used 51 times in the Bible, including Genesis 1:24-25 and refers to cattle. Stegosaurus was not a cow! “Remes” is also used in these verses referring to creeping creatures (also in Genesis 9:3) and is used 16 times in the biblical record. The “creation week” clearly refers to animals that the people of Moses’ time were familiar with, and that would not have included dinosaurs. The term “leviathan” (Job 41:1 and Psalms 104:26) refers to a great water creature, but Stegosaurus was not a water creature.

Dinosaurs were creatures God used to prepare the Earth for humans. Imagine the volume of plant material that Stegosaurus would have eaten every day. You can understand how they were instrumental in pruning the plants and spreading their seeds to provide the coal and mineral deposits humans would need. Like everything God does, the scale of what He did after Genesis 1:2 and before the Genesis creation week was massive. So, what is the value of a dinosaur fossil? We can join in the awe of seeing God’s plan as we look at dinosaur fossils like Apex, Stan, and Sue without feeling any doubt in our minds about the message of Genesis.

— John N. Clayton © 2024

Doctrine of the Rapture

Doctrine of the Rapture

A denominational teaching that has brought significant doubt about the integrity of Christianity is the doctrine of the rapture. There are several versions of this human teaching, and with every war in Europe or the Middle East, some people claim it’s the start of the tribulation, and the rapture is coming soon. The general idea is that Jesus Christ will come again to gather a chosen few during the tribulation and then return to establish a utopian physical kingdom in Jerusalem after a war destroying all other physical political systems.

In my lifetime, I have seen a variety of rapture teachings. Some extremes have involved preachers like David Koresh and Marshall Herff Applewhite. In 1997, Applewhite told his followers that God was sending Comet Hale Bopp, and their souls would ascend to a spaceship. More rational denominational preachers have used the doctrine of the rapture to support political activity.

Rapture teaching embraces the idea that after Jesus returns and establishes a physical kingdom in Jerusalem, there will be a time of bliss for a thousand years in which many more will be saved. Some versions say that will happen secretly with those who are part of that denomination. Another version is the claim that those who have died before the second coming will be raised and given a second chance.

The word “rapture” is not found in the Bible. The second coming of Christ is not a political event, will not be centered on a physical reign in Jerusalem, and will not be secretive in any way. Revelation 1:7 says, “… every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him, and all peoples on earth will mourn because of Him.” Second Peter 3:10-12 tells us that the physical cosmos will be dissolved. Matthew 25:31-32 tells us that everyone will be judged. Hebrews 9:27 tells us that all of us are destined to die once and then to face judgment. Regardless of what version you may be exposed to, understand that the Bible does not support the doctrine of the rapture.