The Giant Sequoia Design

The Giant Sequoia Design

The design that God has built into every ecosystem continues to radiate the truth of the biblical statement that we can know there is a God through the things He has made (Romans 1:20). As science discovers design in the creation, the truth of that biblical statement becomes obvious. We often see design in very small things such as bacteria, viruses, and algae, but on the other end of the scale, we find very large objects such as the giant sequoia.

Imagine a plant that can be uninjured by fire but needs fire to reproduce. In our day of forest mismanagement resulting in massive fires, this feature becomes important. In the past, smaller fires wiped out ordinary trees like oaks or maples. The super-large trees were unaffected by the fires and used them as part of their reproductive design. One of the most notable examples is the giant sequoia found in California.

The giant sequoia is so tall and large that fire does not affect it. The tree stands more than 370 feet tall. (A football field is 300 feet long.) Giant sequoias weigh 640 tons, as much as 107 elephants. They can be up to 29 feet wide and are not affected by the blights that affect ash, elm, oak, or maple trees. In California, the redwoods cover 1.6 million acres, and the giant sequoias another 48,000 acres. These trees, which do not depend on groundwater and a root system, get their moisture from snow, rain, and fog.

These giant trees occupy a unique ecological niche among Earth’s staggering diversity of plant and animal life. They show God’s design and planning, making our planet extraordinary.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
