Persecution of Christians Today

Persecution of Christians Today at Paris Olympics

One of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous paintings is “The Last Supper.” This beautiful painting shows Jesus and His disciples at the Passover meal described in Mathew 26:26-29. While da Vinci’s work might not be theologically perfect, it is a classic work of art. At the 2024 Olympic opening ceremony in Paris, we saw an example of the persecution of Christians today.

The opening ceremony featured boats carrying 6500 athletes down the Seine River. On the banks of the river, 300,000 spectators watched as the ceremony was broadcast worldwide. The boats passed under bridges featuring entertainers from Lady Gaga to Gojira to Marina Viotti. Music groups and dancers ranged from heavy metal to opera.

One of the bridges featured a parody of da Vinci’s great painting with drag queens ridiculing Jesus and the disciples. The French reporter Gabrielle Cluzel wrote, “Since when do we need an excuse to spit on Christians?” This is a part of a global attack on faith by skeptics and atheists. It is interesting that this attack was on Christianity. Why did the Olympic planners not choose Mohammed and his many wives? The answer is obvious – the French were trying to avoid violence. Since the followers of Jesus are supposed to “turn the other cheek,” they figured an attack on Christianity was safer.

In July 2024, our local congregation had a booth at the two-day city fair in Dowagiac, Michigan. I was working the booth on the first day of the fair when a gang of a dozen or so teenagers on bicycles came by our booth. They figured an old man in a church booth was an easy target, and they began a jeering, abusive display ridiculing belief in God. I responded by challenging them to a public debate with a microphone. I offered to show them evidence that God exists and that the Bible is His word. They decided they weren’t ready to publicly debate a retired science teacher.

Those who say there is no persecution of Christians today are simply out of touch with what is happening in the world. The Olympic opening ceremony with the drag queens mocking “The Last Supper” demonstrates how wrong they are.

— John N. Clayton © 2024