The Mystery of Color

The Mystery of Color
Macaw Parrots

Color is an interesting characteristic of many living things. Human eyes can see a range of colors in the visible spectrum. The cones in the human eye can see red at the low-energy end of the spectrum and violet at the high-energy end. Between those two extremes, orange, yellow, green, and blue have increasing energy, and we see colors when the light reflected from an object is between those extremes. Scientists are fascinated by the mystery of color in living things.

Pigments, nanostructures, or melanin can combine to cause various colors in birds. Parrot feathers have unique pigments called psittacofulvins. Enzymes act on the psittacofulvins to produce the vibrant parrot colors. Cardinals get their red color from pigments called carotenoids from the food they eat. Psittacofulvins seem to be more durable than carotenoids since they don’t come from diet. Many birds demonstrate color in parts of their anatomy other than feathers, such as their bills.

A great deal of research has attempted to understand why color exists in living things, how it is produced, and what role it has in survival. Colors in birds can make them stand out in their surroundings and help them attract mates. Color can also serve as camouflage to protect from predators. However, in some birds, there seems to be no survival or reproductive purpose in their color–only beauty. Only humans can appreciate beauty because we are created in the image of God. That could be the reason for the enduring mystery of color.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: Science News for December 14 & 28, 2024, page 36

Why Don’t Birds Have Ears?

Why Dont Birds Have Ears?
Someone asked, “Why don’t birds have ears?” Actually, birds do have ears. What they don’t have is what biologists call “auricles” and zoologists call “pinnas.” Those are the things that stick out from the heads of people and most mammals and that we usually call “ears.”

The most critical ear parts are not outside but inside the head. Birds have those parts. Most birds have excellent hearing in spite of not having visible “ears.” The ear openings are not visible because they’re covered with feathers. The feathers are often designed to channel the sounds into the ear canal, just as our auricles are.

Parrots have such good hearing that before the invention of radar they were used to detect the engine hum of distant enemy airplanes. They would squawk a warning of danger. Migrating birds use sounds along with other clues to find their destination. Homing pigeons listen for sounds to help guide them to their familiar roost.

Another design factor to consider is wind resistance. What would happen if birds had ears that stuck out from their heads? It would slow them down in flight. Also, consider the noise you hear when facing into the wind on a blustery day. Without the pinnas, birds don’t pick up so much wind noise when they’re flying.

So now you know the answer if someone asks, “Why don’t birds have ears?” Don’t worry about not seeing ears poking out from a bird’s head. It’s just another indication of good design by the Master Designer of life.
–Roland Earnst ©2019