Doctrine of the Rapture

Doctrine of the Rapture

A denominational teaching that has brought significant doubt about the integrity of Christianity is the doctrine of the rapture. There are several versions of this human teaching, and with every war in Europe or the Middle East, some people claim it’s the start of the tribulation, and the rapture is coming soon. The general idea is that Jesus Christ will come again to gather a chosen few during the tribulation and then return to establish a utopian physical kingdom in Jerusalem after a war destroying all other physical political systems.

In my lifetime, I have seen a variety of rapture teachings. Some extremes have involved preachers like David Koresh and Marshall Herff Applewhite. In 1997, Applewhite told his followers that God was sending Comet Hale Bopp, and their souls would ascend to a spaceship. More rational denominational preachers have used the doctrine of the rapture to support political activity.

Rapture teaching embraces the idea that after Jesus returns and establishes a physical kingdom in Jerusalem, there will be a time of bliss for a thousand years in which many more will be saved. Some versions say that will happen secretly with those who are part of that denomination. Another version is the claim that those who have died before the second coming will be raised and given a second chance.

The word “rapture” is not found in the Bible. The second coming of Christ is not a political event, will not be centered on a physical reign in Jerusalem, and will not be secretive in any way. Revelation 1:7 says, “… every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him, and all peoples on earth will mourn because of Him.” Second Peter 3:10-12 tells us that the physical cosmos will be dissolved. Matthew 25:31-32 tells us that everyone will be judged. Hebrews 9:27 tells us that all of us are destined to die once and then to face judgment. Regardless of what version you may be exposed to, understand that the Bible does not support the doctrine of the rapture.

Cardinals Are Redder in Winter

Cardinals Are Redder in Winter

I thought it was my imagination that when the Christmas season rolled around, the cardinal that came to my feeder was more brilliant red than I had ever seen before. Then I received an article from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology that made me realize what I observed was true – cardinals are redder in winter.

After the breeding season and when food is abundant, northern cardinals molt their feathers and grow new ones. During autumn molting, the cardinals look ugly, with areas of dark exposed skin and even some baldness. The ugly areas become covered with feathers tipped in gray. The gray feather tips wear off, exposing the brilliant red underfeathers. The birds reach the peak of brilliance by midwinter ahead of the spring breeding season.

The color change isn’t just for us to enjoy. It also attracts female cardinals. Studies at Cornell have shown that brighter red cardinals mate earlier and nest in better habitats, producing more offspring. The redness comes from carotenoids, pigments that occur naturally in foods such as red and purple fruits. Honeysuckle has red berries, as does dogwood and winterberry. All cardinals eat the same foods, but only the males reveal the pigments in brilliant reds.

Male cardinals are redder in winter because the genetics of the males and females are different enough to cause a color difference between the two sexes. Building a genome that produces this beautiful color is not easy. There are alternative ways males could attract females, as seen in other bird species.

Cardinals remind us that color and beauty are characteristics God has given us to enjoy. It was not an accident of some mutation that painted male cardinals red. We see amazing color in cardinals as well as peacocks, pheasants, painted buntings, parrots, splendid fairywrens, and lilac-breasted rollers, to mention just a few.

It is not your imagination that cardinals are redder in winter. Enjoy the beauty God has given us in His unique life forms in the sky.

— John N. Clayton © 2024

Food Shortages and Hunger

Food Shortages and Hunger

A recent document from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations shows the following data about food shortages and hunger on our planet:

1) Up to 757 million people faced hunger in 2023 – 152 million more than in 2019.

2) In 2023, 864 million people were food insecure, meaning they ran out of food at times during the year.

3) In Africa, 20.4% of the people are facing hunger.

4) 2.8 Billion people on our planet could not afford a healthy diet in 2022.

Human greed, selfishness, and ignorance cause food shortages and hunger. What should we do about it? In Matthew 25:35 and 42, Jesus invites those who gave the hungry something to eat and drink into His kingdom, while those who failed to do so are excluded. Jesus fed thousands of needy people. (See Matthew 14:13-21.)

Those of us blessed with adequate food and clean drinking water must reach out to those in need. We support 13 Christian organizations supplying food and water to needy people. Skeptics and atheists are not motivated to do this. If your belief system is “survival of the fittest,” you can write off the percentage of humanity in need and consider them “less fit.”

We can give you contact information if you want to get involved in Christian projects to provide food and water. Just email me at You can be part of the solution to the food problem.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The Value of Women

The Value of Women

If you listen to media hype or read books written by skeptics, you might conclude that the Bible is a product of a bunch of men who wanted to keep women under their thumb. This desperate attempt to denigrate the Bible shows incredible ignorance of the value of women in the Old Testament and the teaching of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

The Old Testament portrays women as equal to men in every way. The creation account in Genesis 1:26-27 uses the plural term – “In the image of God created He THEM” – both men and women. The term “help meet” in Genesis 2:18 means one who would fill what is lacking in man. Modern translations use the term “helper.” The Bible describes men and women as having unique qualities of equal value. That is common sense, for how could a man produce offspring without a woman, and how could a woman become pregnant without a man?

The Old Testament does not portray women as merely glorified incubators. It called for men and women guilty of evil to be treated equally. (See Deuteronomy 17:2-7 and Numbers 5:5-7.) Proverbs 31:10-31 praises a woman who cared for her family and ran her own business. The laws of the Old Testament demanded that men were legally bound to care for their wives. Prostitution was forbidden, and kidnapping and rape were punishable by death. Women who were prisoners of war could be married or set free but never abused or sold. (See Deuteronomy 21:10-14, 22:25-29, 23:17.)

Jesus Christ treated women with respect and care, and the New Testament Church taught that women are equal in every way. Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” It is true that politicians and selfish males have attempted to use the Bible to control others, but the Bible promotes equality and the value of women.

— John N. Clayton © 2024

Flamingo Complexity

Flamingo Complexity

The complexity of living things gives evidence of design rather than accidental chance. Flamingos that live in southern Florida, the Galapagos Islands, and throughout the Caribbean provide an example of that complexity. You have probably seen photographs of these five-foot-tall pink birds wading in shallow waters and using their long necks to find food. The pink color comes from pigments in their foods, such as brine shrimp and algae. The color is absorbed by body fat and deposited in the flamingo’s feathers. Flamingo complexity involves more than color.

Flamingos move their heads through the water because their tongues pump water into their bills, where comblike structures strain out their food. This activity helps purify the water and provides nutrition for the flamingos. Their legs are an engineering marvel. What looks like a backward knee is actually an ankle joint that can be locked. You would think that a bird with no talons and no sharp beak would be easy prey for various animals that live in coastal areas. The reality is that flamingos can rest and even sleep with their ankle locked while standing on one leg in the water far from shore, out of the reach of predators.

Flamingo complexity also involves their efficient reproductive system, with monogamous pairs producing one egg a year. They build a mound away from the shore and take turns incubating the egg by sitting on the nest mound. During incubation, the flamingo will frequently stand, stretch its wings, preen itself, and carefully lift and turn the egg with its bill. The incubation period is between 27 and 31 days.

The more we learn about the unique design of various birds, the more we have to doubt that this is the product of blind opportunistic chance. In Job 39:13-30, God challenges Job to explain the unique characteristics of birds, including the ostrich, stork, hawk, and eagle. If flamingos lived in Job’s area, they surely would be included as an example of God’s wisdom and design.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
References: National Geographic for December 2024, pages 86-87, and Wikipedia.

Denominational Creationism Doctrines

Denominational Creationism Doctrines

One of the most destructive forces in the Lord’s Church today is denominational creationism. The list of big-dollar efforts by denominational churches continues to grow, and their message continues to destroy the faith of well-educated young people.

The “Does God Exist?” ministry reaches out to people who have lost their faith, left the Church, or are associated with megachurches that are not focused on the Bible. We receive many requests from parents whose children have left the Church, and a major part of our work is to reach out to these young people. Many have lost their faith because of things like the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. Many church leaders fail to understand the issues involved and organize bus trips to these creationist presentations.

Among the issues are claiming the universe or planet Earth is 6,000 years old, suggesting that Noah had baby dinosaurs on the ark, saying that nothing died until Adam and Eve sinned, and saying that the flood of Noah caused all geologic features on Earth. Though they claim to be presenting the biblical account, their message ignores what the Bible actually says. Furthermore, the denominational creationism message is cleverly worked into their dispensational teaching that Jesus will return as a political figure, restoring David’s physical throne by force in Jerusalem and ruling on Earth.

This confusing message is a factor in the loss of young people from the Church. On the website, you can read a free booklet titled “God’s Revelation in His Rocks and His Word.” It goes into the biblical problems with this creationist teaching.

The cost of these creationist entertainment venues and the amount of money spent by those who visit them should raise questions in the minds of church leaders. We need to take the Bible literally and use the resources God has given us to meet the needs of people spiritually and materially worldwide. Supporting denominational creationism and teaching their doctrines in Bible classes does not do that.

— John N. Clayton © 2024

Sentient Beings and Purpose

Sentient Beings and Purpose

A columnist featured in papers across the country is an animal doctor named Dr. Michael Fox. Dr. Fox believes that humans are not the only sentient beings, echoing the writings of those who deny that humans have any special properties or any right to use animals. This opposes the biblical view of humans and what God intended humans to do and eat. In Genesis 9:3, we read, “Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.”

The dictionary tells us that “sentient” comes from the Latin word meaning “feeling,” and it describes things that are alive, able to feel and perceive and show awareness or responsiveness. Having senses makes something sentient, or able to smell, communicate, touch, see, or hear. Dr. Fox and others cling to the idea that everything fits that definition, even applying it to nonliving objects: “atoms and stars … with their consciousness evolving with increasing complexity and individuation.”

Where do claims like Dr. Fox’s lead? First, it denies humans’ needs to enable them to survive. What do you eat if everything is equivalent and equal to human beings? Even if this concept is applied only to animals, you have an impossible situation. The world population of humans requires the consumption of proteins and minerals that we can’t obtain from a diet of only plants.

The most crucial aspect of understanding humans as unique sentient beings is that it gives purpose to life. Sentient beings can perceive, show awareness, and respond. Animals like dogs have senses designed for survival, including seeing, smelling, touching, hearing, and communicating. They do not have an awareness of self or a way of understanding that their existence has a purpose. They have no concept of a life beyond their present existence.

All humans need to take care of the world in which we live. That means caring for animals and plants in such a way that they thrive. Christians have a special reason for doing this because our Creator has challenged us to “take care of the garden (the planet)” (Genesis 2:15). We find this concept throughout the teachings of Jesus. Over and over, Jesus called us to love one another. The Greek word used for love is “agape,” meaning “to consider of enormous value.” We CAN love our enemy (Matthew 5:43-45) if we understand that our enemy is a unique being created in the image of God. Our enemies, like ourselves, are sentient beings with a purpose for existing.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: “The Universal Quality of Sentience” by Dr. Michael Fox, November 25, 2024

The Divisive Media and America

The Divisive Media and America

Much of the conflict and violence we see today has been caused by the media’s tendency to promote its own agenda. When you turn to the divisive media for news, you don’t get a positive image of America; instead, you get a presentation of the particular view of the channel and its representatives. This is more than just promoting a political party. It is also a view that rejects faith in God, biblical teaching, and Christian values.

We received an anonymous written piece that expresses the divisive media issue. It is titled “I once was a normal person” and describes the situation in this way:

“I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person. I was born white into a two-parent household, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me privileged, a racist, and responsible for slavery. I went to school for 19 years and have always held a job. But now I find out that I am not here because I earned it but because I was ‘advantaged.’ I think, and I reason, and I doubt most of what the ‘mainstream’ media tells me, which makes me a right-wing conspiracy nut. I am heterosexual and believe it is the best foundation for raising children and having defined roles in family life, and that makes me homophobic. I follow the biblical teaching about money and morality, and I plan, budget, and support myself, and that makes me a fascist.”

Will America survive as a nation where we can worship God according to the teachings of the Bible, or will we collapse into another civilization with no moral standards and no personal rights, with democracy only a thing of the past? Ancient civilizations collapsed when the people accepted state-run control of right and wrong, and no fixed standard guided the state. Will we learn from history or repeat it?

The message of the divisive media today will only accelerate the demise of this once-great nation. Only if we “normal persons” refuse to listen to the bias of the media will the course of our country be different from nations of the past.

— John N. Clayton © 2024

Eye Design is Marvelously Complex

Eye Design is Marvelously Complex

Eye design is marvelously complex. Human vision, with its rods and cones, is just one method of seeing, but other life forms have methods allowing them to see wavelengths we can’t see. Insects have compound eye structures consisting of individual units called ommatidia. Under the lens of each ommatidium, a transparent structure called a rhabdom stores photosensitive pigments known as opsins. Various types of opsins can detect different colors. The more kinds of opsins an insect has in its rhabdom, the more colors it can see.

Each insect has a different set of opsins depending on what it needs. Bees, for example, have a large combination of opsins, allowing them to see many colors of flowers. Some butterflies have opsins that enable them to see a particular plant. For example, monarchs can see milkweed plants, which their caterpillars need for nourishment. Dragonflies have a set of opsins that enable them to see ultraviolet light that human eyes can’t see. Dragonflies eat other insects, including some that are underwater, and ultraviolet vision allows them to see their prey.

The fossil record shows that insects used this method of color vision before the color vision method used by humans. Eye design is marvelously complex and highly designed to allow life to function in a world that needs balance and control. The more we see of the creation of living things, the more evidence we see for intelligence and design in the world around us.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: Smithsonian Magazine for December 2024, page 88.

Title IX and Gender Problems

Title IX and Gender Problems

Legal cases have increased as more and more schools have forced children to accept members of the opposite sex in their restrooms and locker rooms, and no sport can exclude anyone based on gender. This is the result of politicians changing definitions in federal laws. Title IX is a federal law enacted in 1972 stating that schools could not discriminate based on sex. That was to give women the right to educational opportunities and sports participation previously open only to boys. I was teaching in a public high school then. To conform to that law, our school had to add a girls’ swimming, track, golf, and tennis team, all of which had previously been for boys only.

In the last few years, the government changed the wording of Title IX so schools could not discriminate “on the basis of gender identity.” That means boys who identify as girls cannot be prohibited from girl’s teams in any sport, locker rooms, or restrooms where boys would not be allowed. Also, no school activity could exist where only boys can participate. This is not an effort to accommodate trans girls and boys. We now have cases where boys who do not claim to be girls are visiting girls’ restrooms and locker rooms, and girls are entering programs for boys.

This ministry deals with evidence and facts. Churches need to pay attention to the fact that they will be unable to have male or female restrooms in their facilities. Because of redefining Title IX, all restrooms must be open to all genders. Personal privacy will no longer be allowed, and the biological differences between males and females will no longer be recognized. The fact is that males are generally taller, stronger, and faster than females. Denying biological differences does not change the fact that in the sport of shot put, a high school girl will not be able to throw the shot as far as a high school boy can.

Genesis 2:18 tells us that God created a “help meet” for Adam. The Hebrew word for help in this passage is “ezer,” and is used repeatedly in the Bible. (See Deuteronomy 33:7, Psalms 33:20 and 121:2 for examples.) It refers to someone who fills in what a man cannot do. Eve was not inferior to Adam. She was biologically different and filled Adam’s needs or lacks. Making a law that denies a difference between genders is contrary to common sense and violates biblical teaching.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
References: Faith and Justice (a publication of the Alliance Defending Freedom)
for November 2024, pages 5-7, and The Federalist.


Evidence for God In the Things He Has Made

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