What Is the Evidence for Vaccines?

What Is the Evidence for Vaccines?

This ministry is dedicated to the proposition that science and faith are friends, which requires looking at evidence. We mean objective physical evidence, not tabloid claims or religious tantrums. So, what is the evidence for vaccines? Vaccines can indeed cause an allergic reaction, but so can eating wheat in some individuals. In fact, eating wheat products has killed a few people.

In 2022, children in South Sudan were dying from measles. The government began a vaccination campaign in 2023, and medical workers there now tell us that measles is almost totally unknown. The Center for Global Development in Washington, D.C., says that in the past 50 years, the measles vaccine saved nearly 94 million lives. The oldest weekly peer-reviewed medical journal in the world is The Lancet, founded in 1823 in England. In May 2024, the Lancet said vaccines against the 14 common pathogens have saved 154 million lives over the past five decades – six lives every minute. Vaccines have reduced global Infant mortality by 40%.

The shining light of vaccines is the smallpox vaccine, which British physician Edward Jenner developed in 1796. Before that time, smallpox killed millions of people, and others were left with scars, infertility, blindness, and crippling. Abraham Lincoln and Mozart both survived smallpox. A worldwide vaccination campaign by the World Health Organization eradicated smallpox in 1977.

The big issue in South Sudan right now is malaria, which killed 7000 people in 2022. Children are especially vulnerable to malaria, and parents are doing extraordinary things to get their children vaccinated. What is the evidence for vaccines? They help save lives.

God did not cause these diseases. Human error, ignorance, greed, and selfishness all increase them, but God has given us tools to combat horrible diseases. I remember when polio was killing my friends and classmates in the 1950s and how eager I was to get the Sauk vaccine, which stopped that plague. Christians must be on the front lines of ensuring that vulnerable people can get vaccinations.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: “The Staggering Success of Vaccines” in Scientific American, November 2024.

COVID and Other Disease Outbreaks

COVID and Other Disease Outbreaks such as Bubonic Plague

The lives of every person reading this discussion were probably touched by COVID-19 in one way or another during the last few years. COVID took the life of my son, so I know the pain and frustration that goes with a loved one dying due to a virus. As of July 2024, there have been a little over seven million confirmed COVID-induced deaths worldwide. What most people are not aware of is that comparing COVID and other disease outbreaks makes the COVID-19 pandemic death toll seem small.

Smallpox was another disease caused by a virus, and thanks to a vaccine, it was completely eradicated by 1980. It is the only human disease to be eradicated, but in the last 100 years of its existence, it took the lives of an estimated 500 million people. Its history goes back further than that because evidence of the disease showed up in Egyptian mummies around 1500 B.C.

Bubonic plague (the black death) was a bacterial disease that killed between 75 and 200 million Europeans from 1347 to 1351. It wiped out over 30-50% of Europe’s population, requiring over 200 years for the population to recover. It probably originated in rats and was spread to the human population by fleas. Since it was a bacterial infection, it can be treated with modern antibiotics.

When we look at COVID and other disease outbreaks, we find that more deaths resulted from the Spanish flu (50 million) and HIV/AIDS (25-35 million). A dozen other bacterial and virus disease outbreaks in history killed more people than COVID-19.

Modern medicine, including antibiotics and especially vaccines, has eliminated the horrible ravages of the bubonic plague and smallpox. Vilifying science and modern medicine is wrong, and so is blaming God. HIV/Aids came about because of human sexual activity with monkeys and spread through the human population by sexual practices inconsistent with God’s design. Other viruses came about through human actions or contact with wild animals.

Most people seek medical help when they are seriously sick. Few people refuse to take a prescription the doctor gives us for a disease or an infection. My son died because a caregiver had declined to take a vaccine, and the group home and workshop where he lived and worked would not allow vaccinations. I would not wish that frustration and pain on anyone else. COVID and other disease outbreaks remind us of the importance of medical science. This is just one more example of God giving us a solution to a problem, and people refuse to accept it.

— John N. Clayton © 2024

Data from Discover magazine for June 2020, page 11, and Wikipedia HERE and HERE

Some Good News about Diseases

Some Good News about Diseases

Recent data on disease brings some good news. Cancer has been a major challenge for medical science, but survival rates for cancer have been increasing. Between 1975 and 2016, the percentage of people living for five years after a cancer diagnosis has risen from 50% to 68%. In 1971. three million people in the United States had survived cancer, or 1.5% of the population. In 2019, that number was 16.9 million, 5% of the population. Human pollution and poor life choices cause many cancers, but God has given medical science the ability to combat this dreaded disease.

Also, some good news is what vaccines have done for survival. A better understanding of God’s design of the human body has allowed us to combat diseases with vaccines. Before the vaccine for smallpox, 48,164 people contracted the disease in the United States. Since the vaccine’s development, that number has dropped to zero as of 1998. Diphtheria brought severe illness and usually death to 175,885 people in the U.S. Since the vaccine, there has been one case. Polio affected 16,316 people in the U.S. before the vaccine. Since then, there have been no cases. Measles was a significant cause of birth defects and other health issues and affected 503,282 people in the U.S. After the vaccine, there have been 89 cases.

We thank God for some good news regarding these human afflictions. The more we learn about diseases, the more we understand that they are not “God caused” but often result from human actions and carelessness. It is a tragedy that some people refuse what God has given us to prevent illness and death.

— John N. Clayton © 2021

References: Science News (page 22), November 6, 2021 and AARP Bulletin for November 2021 (pages 12-14).

Animal Viruses and Human Illness

Animal Viruses and Human Illness

The COVID-19 virus has been too lethal to ignore. This pandemic makes us realize that there are many viruses out there, and the current one is just the tip of the iceberg of what is possible. As early as AD 165 to 180, pandemics killed massive numbers of people. Smallpox killed 5 million, and bubonic plague killed 25 million on four different occasions starting in 541. Researchers today are attempting to catalog links between animal viruses and human illness. They estimate that there are probably 1.6 million animal viruses yet to be discovered in mammal and bird populations and that 827,000 of them could cause disease in humans.

Viruses are part of the natural world in which we live. They serve useful purposes in aiding animal digestion, reproduction, and elimination of wastes. The problem is that each animal has its own set of viruses suited for that animal’s diet and living conditions. If an animal’s virus jumps into another species with a different diet and living conditions, the results can be destructive. That is the connection between animal viruses and human illness. Most of the viruses we know about came into the human population from rodents, including rats, bats, birds, chimps, and mosquitos. Some have jumped through several animals such as bats giving the virus to cattle and camels, which gave it to humans.

The Old Testament laws had health restrictions, which made virus transmission less of a problem. People were also not in such proximity to one another or to animals that had destructive viruses. Living in very arid conditions reduced disease transmission, and the dietary laws worked against most virus transmission. When you read through Deuteronomy and Leviticus, you see elaborate precautions that we now understand had hygienic benefits to minimize viral transmission.

In the New Testament, many of these rules were continued. There was a prohibition against drinking blood, and the increased use of baking and boiling foods contributed to a low virus transmission rate. Moral rules that reduced the spread of disease included the elimination of polygamy and polyandry and the strong condemnation of prostitution. In time, the keeping of exotic pets and the acceptance of foods previously forbidden to Israel tended to thwart human attempts to fight disease.

God has given us the capacity to understand viruses and the connection between animal viruses and human illness. God has also given us the tools to control these virus issues. He has also given us hope for something better. Will we use the tools and techniques God gave us to stop the pandemics, or will we open our culture to more viral events in the future? Time will tell.

— John N. Clayton © 2020

Data from “The Virus Hunters,” Smithsonian magazine, July/August 2020, and THIS STORY on virus hunters from 2018.