Who Is to Blame for Cancer?

Who Is to Blame for Cancer?

Whom do you blame when you learn you have cancer? Many people blame God, but human actions often cause cancer. It is well-known that alcohol causes 13,500 deaths from drunk driving every year in the United States. It is not well-known that alcohol causes 20,000 cancer deaths in the U.S. every year. Who is to blame for cancer?

Dr. Timothy Rebbeck, a professor of cancer prevention at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, says that alcohol has long been known as leading to cancers of the mouth, esophagus, breast, liver, and colon. However, he says that recent studies have shown “even occasional alcohol consumption” is associated with other kinds of cancer risks.

The human body breaks down alcohol into chemicals that damage DNA, causing cells to grow out of control and become cancerous. Alcohol can also block the body from breaking down nutrients, leading to increased cancer risks. It can increase the blood levels of estrogen, leading to a higher risk of breast cancer. When combined with smoking, the National Cancer Institute says the risk is “multiplicative.”

Alcoholic drink companies have suggested that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol is good for one’s health, but research shows that even one drink per day increases cancer risk. Who is to blame for cancer? Between alcohol, nicotine, pollution, and recreational drugs, a massive percentage of cancer deaths are caused by humans. Even second-hand smoke is a cause of cancer.

In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, we read, “Do you not know that you are God’s sanctuary and that God’s Spirit has his home in you? If anybody desecrates the temple of God, God will bring him to ruin, for the temple of God is sacred, and so you are.” God does not cause cancer, but He does not prevent the consequences of taking dangerous substances into our bodies.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: “Can alcohol cause cancer?” in USA Today by Eduardo Cuevas, January 3, 2025

Mark Twain Quotes Display Wisdom

Mark Twain Quotes Display Wisdom

These two quotes of Mark Twain have special relevance to several issues today.
“No amount of evidence will ever convince an idiot.”
“The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.”

One of those issues is the political situation in America, where people will follow their chosen political party no matter how many lies the leaders tell. A relative responded with, “I hold my nose and support him,” when I pointed out that what the person had said was a complete fabrication. Both parties have been guilty of falsehoods.

More to our point is the reaction of atheists, agnostics, creationists, and philosophers to what we try to present. If there is no evidence to support one person’s opinion, it has no validity. Many of the claims of evolutionary theory have no evidence to support them and a great deal of evidence against them. The same is true of many claims of denominational creationists. These competing claims are the source of most of the supposed conflict between science and faith.

Denominational creationists may claim that the flood of Noah produced the Grand Canyon, but that can’t be true. The rocks in the canyon are not flood deposits, and the fossil placement does not indicate violent water movement. Still, creationist groups claim that the fossils are evidence of a global flood. The point is not that the Biblical flood didn’t happen but that it did not produce the geological record of the Grand Canyon.

Evolutionists assume that no process operated in the past that is not going on today. This belief, called uniformitarianism, is a foundational assumption of evolution, but evidence from astronomy and the fossil record shows that uniformitarianism is not true. Many more facts give evidence against Darwinian evolution.

We are all guilty of holding to beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. Many proponents for and against climate change refuse to accept the evidence. This results in doomsday predictions on one hand and refusal to do anything on the other. Both those who deny global warming and those who say destruction is unavoidable are ignoring evidence.

Science is knowledge, and knowledge can never conflict with truth. The truth is that evidence supports the existence of God and the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. As the Mark Twain quotes said, we are fools if we ignore evidence, and all people will pay the price for that in the future.

— John N. Clayton © 2025

Possible Astronomical Catastrophes

Possible Astronomical Catastrophes
Illustration of Solar Flares

The media often fills a void in natural disasters on Earth by headlining possible astronomical catastrophes. A recent example was a headline in USA Today stating that a “Rare but extreme solar event could disrupt life on earth.”

The article tells us that a solar superflare would fry communications satellites and produce electric currents strong enough to paralyze the power grid. The article tells us that in 1859, a violent solar storm knocked out the telegraph network in large parts of northern Europe and North America. It said if a solar superflare happened today, it would knock out phone services, GPS, credit card authorization, and weather and climate monitoring. The USA Today report is taken from the peer-reviewed journal Science, a publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

So, what is the danger of a solar superflare to you and me? The answer to that question is “virtually none.” The point is that solar superflares occur in stars like our Sun roughly once every 10,000 years. The flare in 1859 was not a solar superflare but merely a flare for which the nascent electric industry was unprepared. Today, such a flare would not significantly affect today’s telegraph or phone service.

The lack of possible astronomical catastrophes shows the intelligence and design built into our planet and solar system. A G-2-type star, like our Sun, has infrequent occurrences of solar superflare. Other spectral classes of stars can have solar superflares every 1000 years. That means the occurrence of life on a planet around another star is highly unlikely, if not impossible.

In his 1956 CBS television program “Our Mister Sun,” the late Dr. Frank Baxter said, “The more we know of the creation, the closer we get to the Creator.” The lack of solar superflares is another example of the truth of his statement.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: “Rare but extreme solar event could disrupt life on earth” on USA Today December 6, 2024

Alien Civilizations in Space – WOW!

Alien Civilizations in Space - WOW!

On August 15, 1977, astronomer Jerry Ehman looked at a printout of signals received by the “Big Ear” radio telescope at Ohio State University. He saw a signal that astronomers associated with SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) had suggested would be a natural calling frequency for alien civilizations. Ehman circled the signal and used a red pen to write “Wow!” in the margin. The signal has never been seen again, and no explanation of its origin has worked until now.

Astrobiologist Abel Mendez at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo Observatory has discovered a cosmic hydrogen cloud that can emit light like a laser. Scientists have built hydrogen masers, and they have seen a few of them in space, but this is the first one at this frequency.

If this discovery turns out to be correct, it can complicate things for the SETI researchers looking for alien civilizations in space. Those folks would like to find a source for some of the things that are attributed to God. By explaining away claims of action by God, they feel they can discredit the Bible and eliminate God from the picture.

We have pointed out that the Bible is silent on life elsewhere in the creation, but if there is, God created it. Rejecting God because they can find an explanation rooted in alien civilizations is a step of faith for these people. However, explaining life on Earth as seeded by alien life is not logical. It does not explain the origin of the alien life. Over and over, attempts to find signals from aliens have proven unsuccessful, and this is just one more.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: Science News for January 2025, pages 23-24

Bumblebees Can Fly High

Bumblebees Can Fly High

Two researchers have discovered that bumblebees can fly high at elevations of 29,527 feet. That is higher than Mount Everest! Michael Dillon and Robert Dudley worked with bumblebees native to Sichuan, China, that live at elevations over 10,000 feet. The question is how these bumblebees do that with the thin air and reduced oxygen levels at such altitudes.

The researchers used a pressure chamber to simulate high-altitude conditions. Using high-speed cameras, the researchers saw that the bumblebees didn’t change their wings’ flapping but rather used deeper arcs to scoop more air with each beat. This technique also enables more efficient escapes from predators and the ability to carry heavy nectar loads.

Bumblebees can fly high, but how they can sustain their metabolism with so little oxygen remains unanswered. We have much to learn from bumblebees, but their design challenges all observers. The writer of Proverbs said, “Go to the ant; consider her ways and be wise.” (Proverbs 6:6). All of God’s creatures have something to teach us, including ants and bumblebees.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: nih.gov

Prehistoric Frozen Animals

Prehistoric Frozen Animals
Woolly Mammoth Illustration

Many years ago, I was doing a lectureship in Alaska when a young man said he had a fossil he wanted to give me. He said it was on the back porch of his home, but he neglected to tell me it was in the family freezer. His story was that he and some friends were on a canoe trip and found a tusk sticking out of the permafrost. Upon digging it out, they found it was a mammoth. Unfortunately, they cut off the head and put it in the family freezer. He wanted me to take it and get it out of the freezer, but that was impossible for me to do, so I think it ended up at the University of Alaska. I can imagine the mother’s reaction if she found that in her freezer. With climate change, finding prehistoric frozen animals in the permafrost is becoming more common.

USA Today published an article about a baby mammoth found in the Siberian permafrost. The picture shows a specimen very much like the one I described above. In November, scientists discovered the remains of a saber-toothed cat cub. Earlier in 2024, a wolf carcass was found.

Researchers have a problem protecting these prehistoric frozen animals because the meat is still edible. Left alone, birds and modern carnivores will eat it. Some natives who came to my lectureship programs talked about eating frozen carcasses. Various dating methods on these specimens show them as old as 50,000 years, yet the meat is still edible.

Researchers we talked to in Alaska did not have a good explanation as to how the specimens were frozen so quickly. Evolution assumes uniformitarianism – the belief that no process has operated in the past that is not going on today. The prehistoric frozen animals pose quite a challenge to that assumption. Research is ongoing, giving us more information about past climate and astronomical events that are NOT happening today.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: USA Today for 12/29/24

The Example of Jimmy Carter

The Example of Jimmy Carter

Regardless of your political or religious views, you must admire former president Jimmy Carter, who died at age 100. Several days of Carter’s funeral services concluded in Plains, Georgia, on Thursday, January 9, 2025. Debates about Carter’s presidency will continue for a very long time, but nobody will question the quality of the man. He promised that as president, he would never lie to the American people, and he kept that promise. We can all learn from the example of Jimmy Carter.

Carter ran for president in 1976 and was in office for only one term. What is amazing about him is what he did after leaving office. His work with Habitat for Humanity involved him in building 4,400 houses. He was a peace broker, using his diplomacy to cool global conflicts. The Carter Foundation attacked the Guinea worm, a horrible scourge in Africa and Asia. As a result, the Guinea worm problem has been eliminated in virtually all places. Carter received a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his actions.

Through all of this, Carter continued to live in Plains, Georgia, and teach a Sunday school Bible class at the church he attended. For a former president to demonstrate integrity, be a humanitarian worker, and spend energy and time doing things to help others is a stark contrast to the typical politician. If we can all learn from the example of Jimmy Carter, perhaps a change will eventually come to our country.

— John N. Clayton © 2025

Reasons for Divorce

Reasons for Divorce

The Saturday Evening Post reprinted a survey of the reasons for divorce compiled in 1950 based on 425 divorce case files. The author, David G. Wittles, ignored what he called the “symptoms” and listed these nine as the actual causes of divorce:

1) Emotional immaturity
2) Our modern industrial civilization, which has wiped out many of the material reasons for family life.
3) The idea that romantic love is the main reason and sufficient basis for marriage.
4) Parental disapproval and mother-in-law trouble.
5) Differences in background.
6) Finances and lack of housing.
7) Jobs for women.
8) Ambition.
9) Infidelity.

We can speculate whether those are the same reasons for divorce today, but the bottom line is that when we throw out God’s plan, divorce is likely. A current survey would be very interesting.

Biblical marriage came about because (1) It is not good for men (or women) to be alone and (2) Men need a helper to fill in for what they cannot do by themselves – also true for women. (See Genesis 2:18). In 1 Corinthians 7:1-5, Paul explains the physical side of marriage, and all studies have shown that the best sex is with one faithful partner. Those who look for modern solutions to their sexual needs are 100% sure not to find them. The effect that marriage has on raising children is another essential part of this discussion. Blended families can work, but a stable nuclear family is the long-term best way to raise a child.

Ephesians 6:1-4 and Colossians 3:21 spell out what God intended for fathers to be. This has nothing to do with conception but how children are loved and cared for by the male image in their childhood. God’s plan has worked for centuries, and the basic needs of men, women, and children have not changed.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: “The Real Reason for Divorce” in the January/February 2025 issue of the Saturday Evening Post, page 76

Life on Mars in Fiction and Fact

Life on Mars in Fiction and Fact

Our fascination with Mars goes back to American sci-fi, with War of the Worlds, written by H. G. Wells and published in 1898. It was recreated as a radio drama by Orson Welles on Halloween in 1938, causing panic in America. In 1950, Ray Bradbury released a novel called The Martian Chronicles, which ended with the Earth destroyed by nuclear war. In 2005, Steven Spielberg directed a movie based on the Wells novel starring Tom Cruise. In 2015, The Martian was a science fiction movie starring Matt Damon. We have now scientifically investigated the red planet, resolving the question of life on Mars.

Measurements made by NASA’s Curiosity Rover from four Gale crater sites show that there is no life on Mars and that there has never been life on Mars’ surface. The ratios of carbon and oxygen isotopes indicate that no biosphere existed on the planet. Rock samples show extreme rates of evaporation and carbon flowing into the atmosphere like bubbles from a pressurized can of soda.

Previous measurements on Mars have been made in ice, which forms and melts there with some degree of regularity. For the first time, science has isotopic readings from rock samples. One can argue that there has been life on Mars in the distant past preserved many feet below ground, but drill cores have not backed up that theory.

The more we learn from scientific data gathered in space, the more we realize how extraordinary life is on Earth. Mars is NOT our twin planet, and no planet in our solar system is. Travel to another star and another solar system would not be within human capacity at any time during the lives of those living today. Humans may destroy Earth by nuclear war, but Bradbury’s story of The Martian Chronicles is not a predictor of how that might happen.

The Bible says God created time, space, matter-energy, and life. It doesn’t tell us when or how many steps were involved in creating the planet on which we live. The Bible does tell us how to live and avoid the things that can destroy this planet. Albert Einstein is purported to have said that if nuclear war is used in World War III, World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Moving to Mars is not an option. We can avoid wars by following the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 5-7.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: American Scientist magazine for January/February 2025 (page 10)

Animal Medicine Design

Animal Medicine Design
Sumatran Orangutans

Animals have a fascinating ability to use natural materials to combat or treat injuries or illnesses. People often think animal behavior in treating an injury, infection, or disease is an accident. A familiar example is a dog eating grass because of an upset stomach. The grass treats diarrhea or vomiting and can lower the pH level to soothe pain and symptoms of illness. You may see ads from dog food companies saying they have no vegetable matter in their product, but a dog needs some fiber. To meet these needs, foxes, and wolves will eat blueberries, wild carrots, or wild spinach. These are examples of animal medicine.

Researchers watched an injured Sumatran orangutan extract juice from a plant known for antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in humans. He applied it to a wound under his eye, and the wound did not become infected. In five days, the wound closed, and in a month, it completely healed. Chimpanzees fold and swallow rough leaves to purge parasites. Great apes, elephants, bears, and porcupines are among the animals with an innate ability to find and use certain plants for medicine. Emory University biologist Jaap De Roode said, “You have to have inherited the gene that gives you the general ability to detect the right taste or smell in a plant for your needs.”

It sounds fantastic, but we also see animal medicine in the insect world. European honey bees use tree resin to prevent mites and other infections. Monarch butterflies with an infection will lay 68% of their eggs on milkweed with high cardenolide compounds, which have anti-parasitic powers. When their caterpillars hatch and start eating the milkweed leaves, they ingest the compounds that ward off parasites.

The study of animal medicine shows that insects and animals are programmed to deal with the health problems they encounter. When God addressed Job with questions in chapters 38 to 40, Job realized how much he didn’t know. As we read those chapters, we recognize how much we don’t know and are still learning from the lives of God’s creatures. Proverbs 6:6 advises us to “go to the ant… consider her ways and be wise.”

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: National Wildlife magazine for Winter 2025, pages 16-17