The Animal Understanding of Death

The Animal Understanding of Death
This opossum is apparently really dead.

What do animals understand about death? That question has become such an area of interest that it has a name—comparative thanatology. Dr. Susana Monso has written a number of books and articles on the animal understanding of death, with special attention to opossums and chimpanzees. In her books, Monso provides information about the physiological changes in the opossum when it “plays dead.”

In a Time magazine article, Dr. Monso gave accounts of animals dealing with death. She told of a newborn albino chimp that other chimps were afraid of. When the dominant male killed the baby chimp, the behavior of the chimpanzee troop changed dramatically to a display of curiosity. Other cases cited are an orca who carried her dead baby over 1000 miles for 17 days and a gorilla who was weaned but attempted to suckle from its dead mother’s breast.

Dr. Monso argues that the animal understanding of death differs from human understanding. She says our human bias affects our view of comparative thanatology, but she believes animals understand death in their own way. Are the chimp, orca, and gorilla displaying grief, or are we interpreting them in light of what humans would feel and do? Do carnivores have empathy for the herbivores they eat? Those questions reflect what Dr. Monso calls an intellectual anthropocentrism bias.

That bias is reflected in some humans who refuse to eat meat because they feel empathy for the animal that died. To suggest that you won’t eat anything requiring death means you won’t eat anything. If you eat a plant or the seed of the plant, something has to die. Death is part of the design of life, and life would be impossible if nothing died. Either everything would die of starvation, and Earth would become devoid of life, or animal populations would overfill the planet.

The biblical understanding is that the Creator of life gave humans a special place in the creation. In Genesis 9:1-3, God tells Noah that all animal life would have the fear of humans and that humans would be responsible for managing all of life. Verse 3 also equates animal life with plant life. “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you just like the green plant – I have given you all things.”

God gave only humans the ability to comprehend life after death. Animals’ understanding of the death of one of their kind is rooted in survival. We see this in the biblical discussion of this subject and the evidence available to all of us.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: “Animals Understand Death Too” in Time magazine for October 28, 2024

A System Benefiting Birds, Ants, and Trees

A System Benefiting Birds Ants and Trees
Yellow-olive Flycatcher in Costa Rica

Birds have an interesting method for keeping ants out of their nests and away from their eggs and chicks. Many ant species will eat everything in their path, and often, ants infect trees where birds build their nests. From a design standpoint, how can you build a system benefiting birds, ants, and trees?

Scientists have discovered that in tropical and subtropical areas, birds use fungal organs known as rhizomorphs to build their nests. Rhizomorphs are cord-like filaments that fungi use to capture nutrients, and they grow web-like in the canopy of tropical forests. These filaments repel ants to keep them out of the birds’ nests. Researchers have found that over 176 bird species use fungal rhizomorphs in their nests. Two bird species in Costa Rica build their nests almost entirely using rhizomorphs of horse hair fungus (Marasmius).

Researchers in Costa Rica found a symbiotic relationship between thorn acacia trees and ants. The ants collect nectar from the acacia, repel any invaders, and even trim back encroaching plants. The thorns of the acacia protect the ants from predation, and the rhizomorphs protect the birds. This complex system benefiting birds, ants, and trees is very difficult to explain by any chance process. The concept of God building a system that protects all three participants is simply an argument for His existence.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: “Fungus-laced bird nests repel ants” in Science News for November 2, 2024, and Animal Behaviour October 2024.

Thoughts About Dandelions

Thoughts About Dandelions

You may not have kind thoughts about dandelions, but they are actually useful plants for animals and humans. The name “dandelion” comes from the French “dent de lion,” meaning lion’s tooth, referring to the coarsely-toothed leaves. Until the 1800s, people would pull grass from their lawns to make room for dandelions and other beneficial “weeds” like chickweed, Malva, and chamomile.

Here are some reasons for saying that dandelions are useful:

#1. Birds, insects, and butterflies consume nectar or the seeds of dandelion.
#2. Honey from bees pollinating dandelions is quite delicious.
#3. Dandelion root can be used as a substitute for coffee.
#4. Dandelion is used in folk medicine to treat infections and liver disorders.
#5. Dandelion tea is a diuretic.
#6. Dandelions can be used to make dye.
#7. Every part of a dandelion, including roots, leaves, and flowers, can be used for food.

Dandelions remind us of three celestial bodies—the Sun, Moon, and stars. The yellow flower resembles the Sun, the puff ball resembles the Moon, and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars. A gust of wind often transports away dandelion seeds, which travel like tiny parachutes as far as five miles from their origin!

Whatever your thoughts about dandelions, whether you like them in your lawn or not, they are, quite possibly, the most successful plants, masters of worldwide survival, and part of God’s design of living things.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Our thanks to Joe Kramarz for this data.

The Design of Cacti

The Design of Cacti
Saguaro Cacti in Saguaro National Park

There are 1,500 known species of cacti on our planet, and many live in places so dry and hot that it is hard to imagine any life surviving. Cacti can branch out as massive trees or be small enough to fit on a penny. Scientists are studying the design of cacti to find ways to apply their ability to survive heat and conserve water.

The saguaro cactus, which grows in the Sonoran desert of Arizona, California, and Mexico, can retain hundreds of gallons of water. These plants have pleats that expand to hold the water when rain comes. Saguaro cactus flowers bloom from mid-April to mid-June. They boom only once at night and close the next day, protecting them from the Sun’s intense heat. The flower buds are on the crown of the cactus and bloom in a counterclockwise migrating pattern from the east to the north, giving them more shade as the season becomes hotter.

Saguaros have a unique way of photosynthesis. Most plants lose water as they open their pores to absorb carbon dioxide. Saguaros do not open their pores until after sundown. Then, they absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into malic acid, which they store in their cells for the next day. The design of cacti shows great wisdom and efficiency in the use of resources.

Copiapoa cacti thrive in the Atacama desert of northern Chile, the driest nonpolar desert on Earth. Most copiapoa cacti are 5 to 6 inches in diameter and covered with spines. Every morning, as fog sweeps in from the sea, water condenses on the spines and skin of these plants. The spines have a series of tiny grooves that broaden at the base, enabling the cactus to channel moisture into itself. Scientists are looking at the possible use of this design for dew-collecting in areas with water shortages.

As scientists study cacti, they look for ways to use their hot and dry climate adaptations to solve some of the problems agriculture faces with extreme heat. Biomimicry is a process in which we study the plants and animals God created and use what we learn to improve our lives. Proverbs 6:6 says, “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” The principle is clear. We can learn by studying the design God built into all living things, including the design of cacti.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: National Geographic November 2024, pages 88-99.

Leaves Must Die to Save the Tree

Leaves Must Die to Save the Tree

As I write this, we are at the peak of the beautiful fall colors. This week’s forecast calls for strong winds and rain, which will probably take down most of the leaves. I hate to see the beauty fade, leaving the naked branches pointing to the sky all winter, but I know it’s God’s design that the leaves must die to save the tree.

Deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn. “Deciduous” refers to something falling away after it completes its purpose. In our area of southwestern Michigan, some of the most colorful trees are maples and oaks that get their nourishment from the photosynthesis taking place in the green leaves. The trees supply the leaves with moisture and minerals from the ground. The leaves need moisture, in the form of sap, to carry on the complex photosynthesis process, which nourishes the tree for growth.

The sap is mostly water, so it can freeze when the temperature drops below 32 degrees F (0 degrees C). Because water expands when it freezes, it could burst the tree’s cell walls, causing it to die. So, to save the tree, the sap travels down into the roots for the winter, where the ground insulates it from the cold. Without the sap to nourish the leaves, they die and fall to the ground.

It’s God’s design that the leaves must die to save the tree. Jesus told His disciples multiple times that He would have to die, but they could not understand it and even chose to ignore what He was saying. When the time came for it to happen, the disciples were shocked and fled in despair and fear. They could not see that it was God’s plan. It was God’s design to save the world.

The leaves must die to save the tree, even though we may not fully understand it. Jesus’ disciples did not understand why He had to die, but it was to save them and all who would choose to accept His sacrifice on their behalf. As the leaves die, we have the promise of new leaves and new life in the spring. Today, we have the offer of new life in this world and eternal life hereafter. Fortunately, we don’t have to fully understand it, deserve it, or earn it. We merely have to accept it as a free gift.

— Roland Earnst © 2024

The Beauty of Fall Colors

The Beauty of Fall Colors

Fall is my favorite time of year. It is fascinating to watch the wildlife preparing for winter while the biting and stinging insects are suppressed and the night sky is delightfully clear. Here in Michigan, the coming of fall is heralded by a constant flow of colors. We begin with brilliant red sumac followed by crimson poison ivy wrapping itself around the still-green oaks and maples. As fall progresses, the maples and other species gradually change their colors, then the leaves begin to fall, and frost starts showing up. The beauty of fall colors in Michigan is astounding.

From a scientific perspective, we know how this system works. The chemical that gives green color to plants in the summer is chlorophyll-A. Chlorophyll allows plants to absorb energy mainly in the red and blue parts of the spectrum but very little in the green. Green is the highest energy of sunlight reaching Earth’s surface, and the leaves reflect green, preventing them from being burned by the summer sunlight. As the Sun’s angle becomes less, the green wavelengths are refracted away from Earth’s surface, reducing the chloroplasts in plant cells. In short, that means the chlorophyll is gone, and the green color goes away. We see the beauty of fall colors in the true colors of the leaves. Since each plant has a different chemical makeup in its leaves, each has its own color.

The chemistry of chlorophyll is highly complex, but the bottom line is that in the fall, chlorophyll no longer gives leaves their green color. Why is the system designed like this? Why is sumac different from hard maples, which are different from sugar maples, which are different from oaks? It seems that one chemical formula would work for all plants, making such a complex system unnecessary.

As I sit here writing this and admiring the beauty of fall colors, it seems that in spite of my science background, I feel I am looking at a wonderful painting by an artist applying a palette of colors with an eye for beauty. “Survival of the fittest” does not explain beauty and color, especially when other alternatives are available. It is also essential to understand that seeing the beautiful color of fall is something our eyes are designed to do.

Most animals do not see color and those that do use color as a survival device. Human eyes are designed to perceive color, and we are designed to appreciate and enjoy beauty. Take time to look for the colors around you, and know that they speak of God’s handiwork to bring something good into our lives.

— John N. Clayton © 2024

Life in Balance is Good

Life in Balance Is Good

When God created and populated the Earth, he ensured everything was balanced. Genesis 1 describes the creation. After referencing the formation of life forms in verse 24, verse 25 concludes with “..and God saw that it was good.” Verses 26-31 describe the creation of humans and their relationship to vegetation and animal life. The chapter concludes by saying, “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was VERY good.” God’s design in the natural world keeps life in balance.

Herbivores eat plants, keeping them in balance by spreading the seeds for more plants to grow. Carnivores keep the herbivore life in balance by feeding on the weak and old ones, preventing plants from being over-eaten. This simplified description of balance is evident in wild places worldwide. We have too often seen humans upset that balance. Selfishness, greed, ignorance, and power struggles have contaminated what was “very good” when God turned it over to humans to care for (Genesis 2:15).

Natural life in balance is excellent evidence of God’s design and wisdom in the creation. We can see what happens when humans upset that balance in these examples:

1) In the 1980s, Pablo Escobar, a Columbian drug lord, brought four hippos into the ecosystem. With no predators to control them, that number is 130 in 2024 and estimated to become 1400 by 2034. The estimated cost of removing the hippos is some 24 million dollars. With no natural enemies, the hippos have become a hazard to the people of Columbia.

2) In 1946, Argentina imported ten breeding pairs of beavers from North America, hoping to establish a fur industry. There are now roughly 100,000 beavers in Argentina, and they have decimated the native trees and built dams that have flooded forests and killed many native animal species.

3) In the 1970s, having a pet Burmese python was popular in Florida and became a raging business in Miami. When Hurricane Andrew ripped through Florida in 1992, hundreds of Burmese pythons escaped a reptile breeding facility. Today, tens of thousands of these snakes inhabit the Everglades. They can reach 20 feet long, weigh 200 pounds, eat just about anything, and spread parasites

These are just three examples of what happens when humans upset the balance that God built into the ecosystems of planet Earth. Finding a way to return the planet to life in balance as God made it is a massive challenge to biologists and wildlife managers. Human knowledge and understanding are very limited compared to God’s creative wisdom, which we see everywhere. To deny God’s existence and design requires more faith than any religious belief system.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
References: National Wildlife Federation, Fall 2024, pp 22-39, The Week, October 4, 2024, page 16, and Wikipedia.

Reproductive System of Victoria Waterlilies

Reproductive System of Victoria Waterlilies
Victoria amazonia in botanical garden
Reproductive System of Victoria Waterlilies
Victoria amazonica white flower
Reproductive System of Victoria Waterlilies
Victoria amazonica pink flower

Yesterday, we looked at the amazing design and structure of Victoria amazonica waterlilies. Named after Queen Victoria of England and the Amazon River where they grow, the huge leaves of these plants are amazing, and their flowers are beautiful. However, I think the most impressive is the reproductive system of Victoria waterlilies.

We have to call this a system because it involves a particular beetle species and several steps. The flowers of this plant last about 48 hours, changing from white to pink and from female to male.

On the first day, all the flowers of a single patch open at the same time. They are white female flowers that present a sweet, fruity fragrance that attracts scarab beetles of the genus Cyclocephala. When darkness falls, the flowers stop producing the scent and close, trapping the beetles inside. The beetles transfer pollen picked up from a previously visited flower.

On the second day, the flowers receive anthocyanins turning them pink to show that they have been pollinated. As the flowers remain closed, the beetles are treated to a starchy and spongy treat that nourishes them. The flowers then open to release the beetles, and the stamens of the now male flower deposit pollen on the beetle. The flower then closes and descends below the water while the beetle carries the pollen to a white flower in another location, where the process repeats.

This reproductive system of Victoria waterlilies cross-pollinates the plants while preventing self-pollination, as the flowers are female one day and male the next. The beetles are treated to nourishment as they carry out the pollination. The system depends on a plant species and a beetle species working together according to a timed sequence. Could this have happened by an accident of evolution, or does it show design? We think design is the best explanation, and design demands a Designer.

— Roland Earnst © 2024
References: and

Design and Structure of Victoria Waterlilies

Design and Structure of Victoria Waterlilies
Victoria amazonia leaves
Design and Structure of Victoria Waterlilies
Victoria amazonia leaf underside

If you were going to build a barrier between the atmosphere and the water in a pond or lake, what material would you use, and how would you construct it? The construction industry would probably use concrete or iron. The problem with these materials is that they are vulnerable to chemical degradation and changes in temperature. In recent years, we have seen bridges collapse after relatively short periods of existence. Bridge design is difficult because the atmosphere presents a different set of problems than those encountered in the underwater world. God has an answer to this issue, which we can see in looking at the design and structure of Victoria waterlilies.

In the Amazon River, the leaves of the Victoria amazonica waterlily can grow to 10 feet in diameter. These lilies have very large, flat green leaves that grow on the surface of the water. The submerged stalk can grow to 26 feet long at an inch per hour. For protection from underwater herbivores, the salk and leaf bottoms are covered with numerous small spines.

The very large leaves have a network of veins underneath that some have compared to “transverse girders and supports.” This lattice-like structure under the leaves allows the plant to hold air, giving the leaf great strength and buoyancy. If the weight is evenly distributed across one leaf, it can support hundreds of pounds.

Many times, people have copied the amazing designs we see in the natural world, and Victoria water lilies may be one example. You can see them in many botanical gardens in the United States and other countries. Everywhere we look, we see the wisdom and design of God in His creation. However, the most amazing thing about the Victoria amazonica waterlily is the system it uses to reproduce. We will look at that tomorrow.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
References: and

Effects of THC on the Human Brain

Effects of THC on the Human Brain

The human brain is the most complex computer in the world. In one study trying to understand brain health and disease, scientists identified 3,313 different types of neurons in the brain, but there is much more to learn. Other studies have examined the effects of THC on the human brain. THC is the primary psychoactive chemical in marijuana (cannabis) plants.

One study of teen health in Australia and New Zealand dealt with the effects of THC on the human brain regarding depression and suicide. It showed that adolescents using cannabis were 2.5 times as likely to have depression and three times as likely to have suicidal ideas than those who did not use cannabis.

A study of adults who used cannabis daily showed there was five times the risk of psychosis compared to non-users. A Canadian study has shown that emergency department visits for cannabis syndrome increased by a factor of 13 between 2014 and 2021. Despite today’s concentrated cannabis products, science does not fully understand the effects of THC on the human brain, so users have become the test subjects.

Humans have long used breeding to increase desirable features in animals, such as dogs, and plants, such as corn. They have used the same methods on marijuana plants to increase the content of THC. The result is that today’s marijuana has a much more potent effect on the human brain. In 1995, the total THC by weight of marijuana was around 4%. Today it is 20% or more. Concentrated cannabis products can have THC content as high as 95%. Teen exposure to THC can lead to long-lasting problems with memory and learning. Use by teens is more likely to lead to addiction than adult use, and cannabis addiction is linked to schizophrenia.

Recreational drug use has a long history, but there is very little research available on the long-term effects of cannabis and the effects of THC on the human brain. The Christian concept of the human body as the dwelling place for God’s Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16) advises against activities that harm our health. God speaks to us in verse 17, saying that if anyone defiles the temple of God (our body), there will be severe consequences. We are seeing that promise carried out in the adverse effects of cannabis use.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
References: “Transcriptomic diversity of cell types across the adult human brain” in the journal Science, and “The teen brain is especially susceptible to the harms of THC” in Science News magazine