Astronaut Eyes in Space

Astronaut Eyes in Space

We read many quotes from various sources about humans traveling to the Moon, Mars, or some distant moon of Jupiter or Saturn. Most media stories seem to indicate that all astronauts would need to survive the journey is a space suit. They overlook the fact that the human body is carefully engineered to survive on Earth, but studies from the International Space Station show a new challenge for astronaut eyes in space.

We can address the damage to the heart and some other organs by providing enough cardiovascular activity on treadmills. However, new data on astronaut eyes in space show that long periods of weightlessness affect ocular biomechanics. More than 70% of astronauts on the International Space Station have Spaceflight-Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome (SANS).

NASA collected data on 13 astronauts who spent between 157 and 186 days in a weightless environment. The studies detailed a 33% decrease in ocular rigidity, an 11% decrease in interocular pressure, and a 25% reduction in ocular pulse amplitude. These changes caused decreased eye size, an altered focal field, optic nerve edema, and retinal folds. The researchers point out that some of these effects can produce long-lasting changes in the eye’s mechanical properties.

Science shows that the human body is engineered and designed for the gravitational effects of our planet. If only one or two things were essential for life on Earth, you might attribute it to chance. We are not talking about one or two things but the human body as a total unit. Every organ has to adjust when the body is subjected to weightlessness, but most organs cannot change. When NASA put Scott Kelly in space and his identical twin Mark stayed on Earth, it provided a comparison. Scott was in space for 340 days during 2015-16, and there were changes in his DNA and numerous changes in his body.

Now, we have additional data showing the effect of weightlessness on astronaut eyes in space. Some items like ocular pressure have potential complications like glaucoma. It is obvious that our bodies are engineered with many individual characteristics essential for life. The more variables that must be “just right,” the less likely it is that the final product could exist by chance.

For an airplane to fly, thousands of features must be carefully engineered. That requires engineers, not chance. That is even more true for the human body. God carefully designed us to live on planet Earth, and the media often oversimplifies what we need for space travel. Look in the mirror and behold the handiwork of God. (See Psalms 139:14.)

— John N. Clayton © 2025
References: National Institutes of Health, NASA, and Glenn Research Center

A Pregnant Woman’s Brain

A Pregnant Woman’s Brain

In our day of surrogate mothers, in vitro fertilization, and abortion, we need to understand how a pregnant woman’s brain functions. Many husbands will describe very different thinking in the minds of their wives during pregnancy.

Dr. Liz Chrastil, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of California, Irving, realized she could be her own study subject when she became pregnant. Chrastil exposed herself to four MRI scans before pregnancy, 15 during pregnancy, and seven scans in the two years after the baby was born.

The data on Chrastil was astounding. Pregnancy caused a 4% reduction of gray matter in 80% of Chrastil’s brain. At the same time, some of her white matter tracts that carry information around the brain grew stronger, reaching a peak in the second trimester. By the end of Chrastil’s pregnancy, the white matter returned to the pre-pregnancy level. Her gray matter changes seem to be permanent.

This research on a pregnant woman’s brain has enormous implications. As we have said before, If a woman has an abortion, the vestiges of her pregnancy continue with her for life. Pregnancy permanently alters the brain of a surrogate mother. Those who ridicule the biblical design for motherhood and families are encouraging great risk to women who choose to alter God’s plan. Humans cannot improve on God’s system for families. When they try, the result harms everyone.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: Science News for January 2025, page 12, and Nature Neuroscience.

Collateral Damage from Using Marijuana

Collateral Damage from Using Marijuana

This ministry is located in the marijuana capital of Michigan, and the quantity of marijuana sold in this state is vast and growing. Widespread marijuana use in America has not been around for a significant amount of time to see the effects. The New York Times has been surveying doctors, hospitals, and psychiatrists as more and more people have collateral damage from using marijuana.

Psychiatrists are seeing a massive increase in the number of people who have had delusions, paranoia, and other symptoms of psychosis from marijuana use. Hospitals and urgent care facilities are dealing with patients who have severe vomiting induced by marijuana.

Marijuana is a thirty-three billion dollar industry that is “turning out an ever-expanding range of cannabis products so intoxicating they bear little resemblance to the marijuana available a generation ago.” Cannabis addiction is common in our world today, and the medical profession is just beginning to understand the extent of it.

The collateral damage from using marijuana is very similar to that of alcohol. People turn to drugs or even to common substances, which, when misused, produce consequences for the users. Many years ago, when I was a teenager, a cough syrup called Hadacol had a high percentage of alcohol. We teens would buy a case and use it as an alcoholic drink. In my teaching experience, I had students getting high on everything from peanut butter to laundry detergent, frequently with negative results.

God tells us to treat our bodies as temples, and one part of taking care of God’s temple is to add only those things that will help it. In 1 Timothy 5:23, Paul tells Timothy to “use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.” If marijuana is used as a medical treatment, that can be a good thing. However, we must avoid the collateral damage from using marijuana as a recreational drug.

— John N. Clayton © 2025

Who Is to Blame for Cancer?

Who Is to Blame for Cancer?

Whom do you blame when you learn you have cancer? Many people blame God, but human actions often cause cancer. It is well-known that alcohol causes 13,500 deaths from drunk driving every year in the United States. It is not well-known that alcohol causes 20,000 cancer deaths in the U.S. every year. Who is to blame for cancer?

Dr. Timothy Rebbeck, a professor of cancer prevention at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, says that alcohol has long been known as leading to cancers of the mouth, esophagus, breast, liver, and colon. However, he says that recent studies have shown “even occasional alcohol consumption” is associated with other kinds of cancer risks.

The human body breaks down alcohol into chemicals that damage DNA, causing cells to grow out of control and become cancerous. Alcohol can also block the body from breaking down nutrients, leading to increased cancer risks. It can increase the blood levels of estrogen, leading to a higher risk of breast cancer. When combined with smoking, the National Cancer Institute says the risk is “multiplicative.”

Alcoholic drink companies have suggested that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol is good for one’s health, but research shows that even one drink per day increases cancer risk. Who is to blame for cancer? Between alcohol, nicotine, pollution, and recreational drugs, a massive percentage of cancer deaths are caused by humans. Even second-hand smoke is a cause of cancer.

In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, we read, “Do you not know that you are God’s sanctuary and that God’s Spirit has his home in you? If anybody desecrates the temple of God, God will bring him to ruin, for the temple of God is sacred, and so you are.” God does not cause cancer, but He does not prevent the consequences of taking dangerous substances into our bodies.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: “Can alcohol cause cancer?” in USA Today by Eduardo Cuevas, January 3, 2025

IVF and “Snowflake Babies”

IVF and “Snowflake Babies”

When humans decide to “play God,” all kinds of problems develop. A modern example is “In Vitro Fertilization,” or IVF. In this reproductive strategy, a woman’s eggs are put into a petri dish, and sperm is added to the dish, where all of the eggs are allowed to divide and grow. After five or six days, each fertilized egg has grown to a blastocyst of 100 to 200 cells. The blastocyst is transferred into a uterus, where it may or may not develop into a pregnancy.

The IVF process produces a group of dozens of embryos and raises a series of issues. What do you do with these viable embryos? They can be flushed down a toilet or donated to medical research. They can also be stored in canisters of liquid nitrogen at minus 321 degrees Fahrenheit for future use years or decades later, at up to $1000 per year.

An adoption agency called “Nightlight Christian Adoptions” has one solution. They take these frozen embryos, called “snowflake babies,” and make them available to women who want to have a baby. That includes single mothers as well as couples who cannot conceive. Part of the motivation for this process is the belief that human life begins at conception. In 2022, a “snowflake baby” showed the Supreme Court in the Dobbs case that life begins at fertilization, leading the court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Your author can understand the frustration that goes with wanting to have a child and being unable to conceive. My wife desperately wanted to be a mother. The political landscape of when to call an embryo human is also a factor, and religious groups have entered this discussion, with both the Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Convention opposing IVF.

What happens when a baby produced by IVF is born with a genetic disability? Who is responsible, and what happens to such a child? When a single woman becomes a mother, will the child have the needed support? Society has revised the biblical concept of a family to include any combination of adults or a single person.

God’s plan works. A family can deal with congenital disabilities, as your author has learned from experience. We adopted three wonderful children, but one was born blind and mentally challenged, with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and schizophrenia. We reported our story in a booklet titled “Timothy, My Son and Teacher.” Tim had a good life, and we were blessed to be allowed to raise three children. Alternatives can be technologically possible, but collateral damage from playing God can bring extra pain to parenthood as well.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: “How ‘Snowflake Babies’ Could Change IVF Politics” in Politico magazine for October 6, 2024.

The Value of Women

The Value of Women

If you listen to media hype or read books written by skeptics, you might conclude that the Bible is a product of a bunch of men who wanted to keep women under their thumb. This desperate attempt to denigrate the Bible shows incredible ignorance of the value of women in the Old Testament and the teaching of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

The Old Testament portrays women as equal to men in every way. The creation account in Genesis 1:26-27 uses the plural term – “In the image of God created He THEM” – both men and women. The term “help meet” in Genesis 2:18 means one who would fill what is lacking in man. Modern translations use the term “helper.” The Bible describes men and women as having unique qualities of equal value. That is common sense, for how could a man produce offspring without a woman, and how could a woman become pregnant without a man?

The Old Testament does not portray women as merely glorified incubators. It called for men and women guilty of evil to be treated equally. (See Deuteronomy 17:2-7 and Numbers 5:5-7.) Proverbs 31:10-31 praises a woman who cared for her family and ran her own business. The laws of the Old Testament demanded that men were legally bound to care for their wives. Prostitution was forbidden, and kidnapping and rape were punishable by death. Women who were prisoners of war could be married or set free but never abused or sold. (See Deuteronomy 21:10-14, 22:25-29, 23:17.)

Jesus Christ treated women with respect and care, and the New Testament Church taught that women are equal in every way. Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” It is true that politicians and selfish males have attempted to use the Bible to control others, but the Bible promotes equality and the value of women.

— John N. Clayton © 2024

Sentient Beings and Purpose

Sentient Beings and Purpose

A columnist featured in papers across the country is an animal doctor named Dr. Michael Fox. Dr. Fox believes that humans are not the only sentient beings, echoing the writings of those who deny that humans have any special properties or any right to use animals. This opposes the biblical view of humans and what God intended humans to do and eat. In Genesis 9:3, we read, “Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.”

The dictionary tells us that “sentient” comes from the Latin word meaning “feeling,” and it describes things that are alive, able to feel and perceive and show awareness or responsiveness. Having senses makes something sentient, or able to smell, communicate, touch, see, or hear. Dr. Fox and others cling to the idea that everything fits that definition, even applying it to nonliving objects: “atoms and stars … with their consciousness evolving with increasing complexity and individuation.”

Where do claims like Dr. Fox’s lead? First, it denies humans’ needs to enable them to survive. What do you eat if everything is equivalent and equal to human beings? Even if this concept is applied only to animals, you have an impossible situation. The world population of humans requires the consumption of proteins and minerals that we can’t obtain from a diet of only plants.

The most crucial aspect of understanding humans as unique sentient beings is that it gives purpose to life. Sentient beings can perceive, show awareness, and respond. Animals like dogs have senses designed for survival, including seeing, smelling, touching, hearing, and communicating. They do not have an awareness of self or a way of understanding that their existence has a purpose. They have no concept of a life beyond their present existence.

All humans need to take care of the world in which we live. That means caring for animals and plants in such a way that they thrive. Christians have a special reason for doing this because our Creator has challenged us to “take care of the garden (the planet)” (Genesis 2:15). We find this concept throughout the teachings of Jesus. Over and over, Jesus called us to love one another. The Greek word used for love is “agape,” meaning “to consider of enormous value.” We CAN love our enemy (Matthew 5:43-45) if we understand that our enemy is a unique being created in the image of God. Our enemies, like ourselves, are sentient beings with a purpose for existing.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: “The Universal Quality of Sentience” by Dr. Michael Fox, November 25, 2024

What Is the Evidence for Vaccines?

What Is the Evidence for Vaccines?

This ministry is dedicated to the proposition that science and faith are friends, which requires looking at evidence. We mean objective physical evidence, not tabloid claims or religious tantrums. So, what is the evidence for vaccines? Vaccines can indeed cause an allergic reaction, but so can eating wheat in some individuals. In fact, eating wheat products has killed a few people.

In 2022, children in South Sudan were dying from measles. The government began a vaccination campaign in 2023, and medical workers there now tell us that measles is almost totally unknown. The Center for Global Development in Washington, D.C., says that in the past 50 years, the measles vaccine saved nearly 94 million lives. The oldest weekly peer-reviewed medical journal in the world is The Lancet, founded in 1823 in England. In May 2024, the Lancet said vaccines against the 14 common pathogens have saved 154 million lives over the past five decades – six lives every minute. Vaccines have reduced global Infant mortality by 40%.

The shining light of vaccines is the smallpox vaccine, which British physician Edward Jenner developed in 1796. Before that time, smallpox killed millions of people, and others were left with scars, infertility, blindness, and crippling. Abraham Lincoln and Mozart both survived smallpox. A worldwide vaccination campaign by the World Health Organization eradicated smallpox in 1977.

The big issue in South Sudan right now is malaria, which killed 7000 people in 2022. Children are especially vulnerable to malaria, and parents are doing extraordinary things to get their children vaccinated. What is the evidence for vaccines? They help save lives.

God did not cause these diseases. Human error, ignorance, greed, and selfishness all increase them, but God has given us tools to combat horrible diseases. I remember when polio was killing my friends and classmates in the 1950s and how eager I was to get the Sauk vaccine, which stopped that plague. Christians must be on the front lines of ensuring that vulnerable people can get vaccinations.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: “The Staggering Success of Vaccines” in Scientific American, November 2024.

Superstar Lucy and Anthropology

Superstar Lucy and Anthropology
Lucy Fossil (Australopithecus afarensis)

American Scientist magazine called Lucy “Paleoanthropology’s Superstar.” Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis) is a hominid fossil found in 1974. Paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson named it Lucy because the Beatles song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” was being played on the radio that year. Lucy had a brain size of 450 cc. A modern human’s brain is between 950 cc and 1800 cc, depending on sex and location. What is special about superstar Lucy?

Lucy stood about three feet seven inches tall, weighed around 60 pounds, and had a pelvis similar to a chimpanzee. Lucy’s limbs were close to the ratio of a monkey, with the femur and humerus being about the same size. In humans, there is a 2:1 ratio between these two bones. The opening into the skull through which the spinal column sends its messages to the brain is called the foramen magnum. In a human, that opening is centered in the middle of the skull, allowing a normal vertical position. In a monkey, the foramen magnum is in the back of the skull, so vertical standing is difficult. In the case of Lucy, the foramen magnum is not in the center of the skull and not in the very back of the skull. Vertical motion and standing would have been possible, but walking long distances would be difficult.

Graduate students and anthropologists have used superstar Lucy for fundraising, with many getting support for field research. In the 50 years since Lucy’s discovery, researchers have found many other hominid fossils in better condition than Lucy. The theory of human evolution 50 years ago was a tree with something like Lucy at the base. The newer models are that hominoid history is more of a bush than a tree.

So, where do Adam and Eve fit into all of this? The Bible says that man was formed “from the dust of the Earth … and man became a living being”. The Hebrew used here is “nephesh,” which the Hebrew lexicon says means “animal soul.” The passage does not say how long God took to do that or what process He used. We can understand some of what God did by looking at the fossils. What separates the first human is not his body. Our body chemistry is the same as other forms of life. What sets us apart is our creation in God’s image.

Genesis 1:26-27 describes the unique creation of man – not his physical body. “Let US create man in OUR image” refers to the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.” In other words, the image of God refers to our spiritual makeup. It isn’t our brains or our bodies that make us unique and special. All humans are created in God’s image with a spiritual aspect that can last eternally. The physical body will return to the dust from which it came (Genesis 3:19), but our spiritual body (soul) is not subject to the physical laws that govern all other life on Earth.

As anthropologists focus on superstar Lucy, The big question is, “When will we recognize the unique beauty of all humans and stop killing each other?”

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: “Paleoanthropology’s Superstar” in the November/December issue of American Scientist magazine (pages 326 -327).

Neurons in Your Brain and AI

Neurons in Your Brain and AI

You can see an obvious example of God’s creation design by looking in a mirror. Everything you see and experience is due to neurons in your brain, messengers that use electrical and chemical signals to convey information, allowing you to live. Neurons carry data to different parts of your brain, spinal cord, and your whole body. Just trying to grasp the number and functional complexity of neurons is beyond human thinking. In one cubic millimeter of the human brain, a single neuron connects with 5600 nerve fibers, and our whole body contains 86 billion neurons that form 100 trillion connections.

Julie Polter, writing in Sojourners magazine (August 2024, pages 9-10), calls our attention to the fact that when we hold a baby and look into those sparkling eyes, “we become acquainted with tiny beings who are also full, unique people.” She goes on to say that “the neural pathways in a baby or toddler’s brain multiply when given loving attention and interaction from the people around them.”

We hear all the concerns about robots and artificial intelligence (AI), which is intelligence exhibited by computer systems. How can AI exist? Would anyone suggest it is some accident and just a product of chance? AI is limited in what it can do because it is relatively simple compared to the neurons in your brain. You are not an accident and not the product of blind chance.

Looking in the mirror and thinking about how special and unique every human being is, we see God’s design in an undeniable form. Jesus called His followers to recognize this special creation and love (agape) our enemies. Even though we may struggle to understand what others do, we know they are a product of God’s design. They can do wonderful things if they allow God to use them for the purpose He created them to accomplish.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
References: Harvard Medical School and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke on their websites