Phenotypic Plasticity and Life

Red Eared Slider Turtle and Phenotypic Plasticity
Red Eared Slider Turtle

There are so many examples of design in God’s creation that we often overlook them. One example that has been a problem for evolutionists is the cause of the variability of traits in organisms. Scientists call it phenotypic plasticity. For example, what determines whether the sex of an offspring is male or female? Biologists tell us that it is a matter of genetics, but that isn’t always the case.

When a red-eared slider turtle deposits her eggs, the place where she lays them determines the sex of the baby turtles. If she lays her eggs in a cool place, the babies will be males. If she lays her eggs in a warm sunny spot, the baby turtles will be females. The environment where the eggs are laid controls the ratio of males to females and limits the time of year when more females will be available to produce more offspring.

Sometimes the physical shape of an animal and its diet are determined by the environment in which it finds itself. The Mexican spadefoot toad is a classic example. The tadpoles of this toad will typically feed on plankton and algae, but occasionally a tadpole will find itself in a pool that is rich in fairy shrimp. The shape and diet of the tadpole that has eaten the shrimp will change. It now becomes a carnivore with a broad head and a new shape ideal for fast swimming.

We also see this ability to change as a function of environmental conditions in some plants. For example, cabbage white butterfly caterpillars sometimes attack wild radishes. When this happens, the plant immediately begins producing chemicals in its leaves to repel the caterpillars. Trait variability is a significant issue in evolution. In Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species, he spent the first two chapters trying to explain this problem, but he never succeeded.

The ability to change as the environment changes is a design feature of many life forms. Phenotypic plasticity is a testimony to the wisdom and design that God built into all life.

— John N. Clayton © 2022

Reference: American Scientist magazine, March/April 2022, pages 94-103.

How Fish Navigate

How Fish Navigate

A question that has bothered researchers for many years is how fish navigate. Fish move from one place to another, swimming around obstacles or locating food sources with no obvious way to know how to get to their objective. For example, we live on the edge of a river and have watched fish find their way around brush piles, even when the brush is moved by flooding.

Biologist Shachar Givon of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel conducted an ingenious experiment to learn how fish navigate. She constructed a fish-operated vehicle for a goldfish to drive. The vehicle consisted of a square fish tank fastened to a chassis with four multidirectional wheels. A downward-facing camera was connected to a computer algorithm which prompted the wheels to move the vehicle in the direction the fish was swimming. The six goldfish in the experiment navigated around obstacles and avoided dead ends. After one or two runs, they became proficient in reaching their goals. The researchers suggest understanding how fish navigate in unfamiliar territory, such as the terrestrial world, may help humans navigate in unfamiliar environments such as the zero gravity of space.

We can learn from the way God has designed survival methods in the natural world. In this case, we learn from an animal as primitive as a goldfish. The natural world is filled with examples of God’s design, and how fish navigate is just one of many systems we are just beginning to understand and may use as models to shape the future.

— John N. Clayton © 2022

Reference: American Scientist magazine, March/April 2022, page 77

Much to Learn from the Animals

Much to Learn from the Animals - Bald Eagle

Animals have much to teach us. We have learned many things by studying animal anatomy and behavior and made numerous advances in medicine through animal studies. For example, principles of flight, the use of sonar, robotics, and improved adhesives have all been aided by studying animals. But one thing is for sure is that we still have much to learn from the animals.

Conversely, animals also learn from humans. That is especially true of mammals and birds, which can develop special relationships with humans. Dogs were domesticated from their wild ancestors thousands of years ago and have lived side-by-side with humans ever since. They learn from us, and they help us as we help them. Dogs assist people with vision problems and other illnesses. They provide valuable help to police and rescue workers.

You may have noticed that yawning can be contagious. When a person sees another person yawning, they tend to yawn also. Try this test. While your dog is watching, start yawning. Dogs often yawn after they see a human yawn, and they are more likely to yawn in response to their owner rather than a stranger.

God commanded us to have dominion over the animals (Genesis 1:28), and He gave mammals and birds the ability to relate to humans uniquely. If we pay attention, we have much to learn from the animals. In Job 12:7-10, Job said:

“But ask the animals, and they will instruct you;
ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you.
Or speak to the earth, and it will instruct you;
let the fish of the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?”

Job knew that the animals have much to tell us about the wisdom of God’s design for His creatures. Then in Job chapter 38:39 to 39:30, God uses descriptions of ten mammals and birds to show Job and his friends that they have a lot to learn. In Matthew 6:25-, Jesus told His followers that the birds can teach us a lesson about not worrying. In this time of chaos, war, and inflation, that’s a lesson we all need. Yes, we still have much to learn from the animals.

— Roland Earnst © 2022

Shallow Torpor and Deep Torpor in Hummingbirds

Shallow Torpor and Deep Torpor in Hummingbirds

You have probably heard that hummingbirds have such a high metabolism that they must eat constantly. On a human scale, a hummingbird would have to drink a can of Coca-Cola every minute just to stay alive. However, it isn’t just the rapid wing beat that requires so much energy, but hummingbirds must maintain their body heat so that organs like the liver and heart can function. A research team has studied the design built into hummingbirds to address this problem. It has to do with shallow torpor and deep torpor in hummingbirds.

Anusha Shankar at Cornell University and her team found that the smallest hummingbirds cool down at night to as low as 3 degrees Celsius. Shankar called that “an incredible ability.”
Hummingbirds can fall into deep torpor at night, something analogous to hibernation. They also have a shallow torpor they can use if they need to wake up quickly. In deep torpor, the hummingbirds can save an average of 60% of their energy relative to their basal metabolic rates. In addition to saving energy, when the hummingbirds are in deep torpor, they are invisible to temperature-sensing predators like snakes.

Hummingbirds sleep with their bills turned up and their eyes closed. While in deep torpor, their breathing is greatly reduced with ten-second periods when they don’t breathe at all. Researchers were impressed with the hummingbird’s energy flexibility. The birds not only have the options of shallow torpor and deep torpor while they sleep, but during the day, they can spend 80% of their time hovering or 80% of their time perching. Studies of gene expression show that genes are being turned off and on in hummingbird tissues in shallow torpor and deep torpor and when the bird is awake.

Hummingbirds are amazing creatures that show incredible complexity in their design. As we watch them around our feeders, we need to be impressed with how their bodies maintain their activity and survive the range of temperatures in their environment. It is just a reminder that “we can know there is a God through the things He has made” (Romans 1: 20). Hummingbird design speaks loudly of the truth of that statement.

— John N. Clayton © 2022

Reference: American Scientist, March/April 2022 page 70.

Dangerous Animals that We Fear

Dangerous Animals that We Fear - Mosquitos

We see articles in magazines and newspapers telling terrible stories about dangerous animals killing humans. On planet Earth every year, 200 people are killed by lions, 500 by hippos, 600 by elephants, and 1000 by crocodiles. However, the deadliest creatures on the planet are not lions, hippos, elephants, crocodiles, or even sharks. Those numbers do not apply to most people reading this because those deaths occur in the limited areas of the world where those animals dominate.

Dangerous animals closer to home are scorpions, killing 3,300 people in the Americas. Dogs, including those that are rabies-infected, kill 59,000 humans. Snakes annually kill 138,000 people. So you might guess the top two killers of human beings. The second leading killer of humans is other humans, who take the lives of 400,000 people killed in homicides – not including suicides or war. However, the top killer of humans is mosquitos, with 725,000 people dying from diseases contracted through mosquito bites.

The list of diseases that mosquitos give to humans is massive. Chikungunya, dengue, yellow fever, encephalitis, West Nile fever, and malaria are a partial list. On the other hand, a minimum of care and prevention can avoid those diseases. For example, the mosquito that gives malaria to a human must be a female and one of the members of the Anopheles species. Also, they must have previously sucked blood from a malaria-infected human or animal.

It is easy to overlook the fact that many mosquitos are helpful pollinating insects. Furthermore, humans often create invironments where mosquitos flourish. Fields flooded to grow rice are great places for mosquito breeding. Humans have altered the natural environments, removing life forms that eat mosquitos, including in the larval stage when they live in bodies of still water.

Humans have caused many problems by invading animal habitats and altering the natural system God designed to keep dangerous animals and insects in balance. In many ways, we create our own problems. God did not create animals to hurt humans. Genesis 1:21 tells us that when God created “the moving creature that has life … and every living creature that moves … God saw that it was good.” That was God’s original design, and many of the bad things we experience are due to human ignorance, carelessness, and greed.

— John N. Clayton © 2022

Reference: Data from Skeptical Inquirer March/April 2022, pages 25-26.

King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise

 King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise
King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise

Saxony is an area of Germany that hasn’t had a king since 1918. However, in the mountain forests of New Guinea, a bird has borne the name King of Saxony since 1894. It’s the King of Saxony bird-of-paradise (Pteridophora alberti).

The males display beautiful black and yellow colors. They also have two blue brow plumes attached to their heads that can be twice the length of the bird’s body. These birds are so strange-looking that when Europeans one for the first time, they thought it was a fake. Native people hunt the male birds for their prized plumes for ceremonial purposes. However, the King of Saxony bird-of-paradise is not easy to catch. 

Adult males are highly territorial, guarding their domain while perched high in the tree canopy. Their unique courtship behavior consists of two parts. The first step is sitting on a bare branch and attracting females by singing a hissing rattling sound. It accompanies those noises by waving the long plumes independently or in unison. Next, if a female shows interest, the male will fly down to a lower branch to entice her. Then, the male will bounce up and down in front of the female while giving a hissing call. People find the entire ritual very entertaining.

Regardless of the threats they face from hunting, the King of Saxony bird-of-paradise is not endangered. That is beneficial for the ecology because these birds play a significant role in distributing fruit seeds on the island of New Guinea. Plants and fruits rely on animals to ensure their survival. In return, the plants produce fruit for the animals to eat in this marvelously complex system. Meanwhile, tourists to New Guinea enjoy these birds’ beauty and fascinating behavior. 

The King of Saxony bird-of-paradise is a prime example of how each animal is unique, and the Creator has given us many species to study, enjoy, and protect. The interlocking system of birds, other animals, and plants shows evidence of a Creator who is an architect and engineer who has an appreciation of beauty and a sense of humor.

— Roland Earnst © 2022
The Cornel Lab of Ornithology has a video showing the song and dance of these fascinating birds.

Do Animals Have Equal Value to Humans?

The View that Animals Have Equal Value to Humans

Today, many people accept the view that animals have equal value to humans because we are just another animal species. However, the biblical concept of humans as God’s special creation emphasizes our uniqueness. We all tend to talk to our dogs or cats as if they are human, even though they are not. They also may be carriers of viruses that are not good for us. People have brought everything from snakes to chimpanzees into their households. Human interaction with animals has complicated our dealing with diseases because viruses such as the one that causes COVID can jump from animals to humans.

Apparently, viruses can also go from humans back to animals. The United States Department of Agriculture has found COVID infections in the deer populations in 14 states. Samples of 4,000 deer killed by hunters or hit by cars in Iowa showed that 60% of them had the COVID virus. However, there is no evidence that any of the deer showed symptoms. Virus-caused illnesses such as HIV, bird flu, chickenpox, others came directly or indirectly from animals.

It is interesting to notice how people treat their domesticated animals as if they were human. Animals that are not related may share physical characteristics designed for the environment in which they live. For example, a shark and a porpoise look similar in many ways, but one is a primitive fish and the other an advanced mammal. No one suggests that they are related. In the same way, we may share physical or emotional characteristics with members of the animal kingdom, but that does not mean we descended from them.

God told humans to “have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth” (Genesis 1:28). We are to care for all of life and manage all living things with care and compassion. However, that command denies the view that animals have equal value to humans.

— John N. Clayton © 2022

Reference: The Week for February 25, 2022, page 22.

Why Do Loons Migrate?

Why Do Loons Migrate?

It’s a bird that isn’t great at flying and is awkward at walking on land, but it’s very skilled at diving. The common loon (Gavia immer), also known as the great northern diver, is an aquatic bird that somewhat resembles a large duck or small goose. Since flying isn’t their strong point, why do loons migrate?

Most birds have hollow bones to reduce their weight for flying. The fact that a loon’s bones are not hollow adds weight to facilitate diving but makes flying more of a challenge. Loons can dive as deep as 200 feet (60 meters) and stay underwater for three minutes. Because of their dense bones, they sit lower in the water than ducks or geese when they swim. The loons’ legs, located near the rear of their bodies, facilitate quick diving but make walking more difficult.

Loons are well-designed for catching fish and well-suited for life in the ocean, where they spend their flightless winters. When spring comes, the loons molt, shedding their gray feathers and growing black ones. They gain stiff wing feathers and begin exercising to build strength for the migration journey. After a couple of months of preparation, they are ready to fly hundreds of miles north to freshwater lakes, where they spend the summer.

Why should loons leave the oceans where they have an abundant food supply? Just think that they wouldn’t have to go through the changes necessary to fly to the northern lakes. They could also avoid the dangers involved in making the migration. They wouldn’t need the complex navigation methods they use to return to the same lakes where they originated. Why do loons migrate? Why not do what many northerners do when they retire and just enjoy life along the warm and sunny ocean shores?

The answer seems to be more beneficial to other living creatures than to the loons. Their departure from the ocean relieves pressure on fish populations in coastal marine areas. More than that, it helps to control fish populations in northern freshwater lakes. Loons return to the north to benefit the northern ecosystems. These birds are well-designed to fill a niche in the ecosystem that other life forms can’t fully meet. 

So even though loons are not the best at flying and even less adapted for walking, they have what is needed to fill a niche in the ecosystem. Why do loons migrate? The loon’s migration may benefit other living creatures more than itself. How could natural selection explain this? According to the survival of the fittest, shouldn’t these birds survive and thrive doing their own thing rather than benefiting others? We don’t think natural selection fully explains the design of loons and their lifestyle. We suggest that the common loon is a testimony to the Creator’s wisdom of design in the life system we see all around us.

— Roland Earnst © 2022

Design of Lizard Lungs

Design of Lizard Lungs
Brown Anole Lizard

Studying the design of lizard lungs may lead to innovations in developing artificial lungs for humans. A Princeton University study showed how reptile lungs develop. Human lungs take months to develop, and that makes repair very difficult. The Princeton researchers studied the development of lungs in brown anole lizards and found that their lungs develop in a few days.

In the brown anole lizard, fluid fills the area that will become a lung and pushes against smooth muscle tissue until gaps develop in the muscle. Then, a membrane protrudes through the gaps so that a large surface area forms, and within two days, the surface area is ready for gas exchange. Researchers were able to build a working replica mimicking the lizard’s natural process of lung development.

The Princeton researchers say that the process is a simple mechanical process that could be a model for “advanced biotechnology design.” By copying the design of lizard lungs, it may become possible to produce lung material to replace lungs damaged by disease. The National Science Foundation says this discovery could lead to innovations in artificial lung design and development. God’s design of living things is very complex, but sometimes humans can copy a simple creative method like this lizard lung development.

Medical science can eventually treat almost all chronic human ailments by recognizing God’s design. Celeste Nelson, who authored the lizard studies, said, “If we appreciate that there’s a lot of biodiversity that we can’t see, and we try to take advantage of it, then we as engineers will have more tools to tackle some of the major challenges that face society.” Likewise, we can improve the future of human health by studying living things, including God’s design of lizard lungs.

— John N. Clayton © 2022

References: National Science Foundation and Science Advances

Color Vision Differences in Various Creatures

Color Vision Differences in Various Creatures - Jumping Spider
Saitis barbipes

Color vision differences in various creatures result from eye design. Humans see color because we have three kinds of cones in the retina that respond to different energies of light. Our eyes have color cones sensitive to red, green, and blue. If light stimulates all three types of cones, we see it as white. When light stimulates red and green cones but not blue, we see yellow. Other combinations result in every color we can see.

Some light energies do not trigger any of our cones, yet they affect us. For example, our eyes don’t perceive ultraviolet energy, but UV rays can cause sunburn. Likewise, we can’t see infrared energy, but we can feel it as heat.

Animals have many color vision differences compared to humans. Why do deer not see the orange jackets that hunters frequently wear? A deer can’t see very much color at all. That means a hunter standing still in the woods wearing an orange camouflage outfit will be invisible to a deer but highly visible to other hunters.

Some animals that do not see color can see light energies that we can’t. For example, a rattlesnake can see infrared, which is a lower energy than the visible light we see. A warm-blooded animal such as a rat or mouse gives off infrared radiation. A rattlesnake can see the infrared light coming from the rat on a very dark night when there is no light visible to humans.

The National Science Foundation reported on a jumping spider (Saitis barbipes) found in Europe and North Africa with no red color sensitivity. A red ball would appear gray or black to those spiders. However, the males of these furry spiders have a bright red crown and legs. Even though potential mates cannot see the red, certain areas of the spider’s body strongly absorb ultraviolet light. Those areas appear as “spider green” to other jumping spiders.

In addition to color vision differences, some animals have specialized vision tools to help them survive. For example, a marine turtle’s eyes have polarized corneas. That polarization allows the turtle to see reflected light because it is polarized parallel to the reflecting surface. A turtle needing to locate water will simply scan the horizon to see polarized light reflected from the water’s surface. Other animals, such as birds or fish, have polaroids in a vertical orientation, enabling them to see through clouds or water without having to deal with glare.

Designing cells that can detect light is only part of the story. Making eyes that meet the peculiar needs of various animals is much more difficult. Your vision is just one more support for David’s statement, “I will praise you, Lord, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalms 139:14.)

— John N. Clayton © 2022

Reference: The National Science Foundation and the journal The Science of Nature