The Church’s Task Is to Help People – Not Harm Them

The Church’s Task Is to Help People – Not Harm Them

Some religious people have claimed that taking the COVID vaccine is a response to fear. They have posted that idea online and in publications, saying that you won’t get sick from the virus if you have faith in God. This is a sad commentary on human ignorance of medical facts, the Bible, and how God works. It also shows a lack of understanding that the Church’s task is to help people. We need to follow 1 John 4:1: “…do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they come from God.”

The history of “Christians” and vaccines is not good. They have sometimes been responsible for opposition to vaccines for smallpox, measles, and polio. This ignorance is destructive because vaccines have saved many lives. As Christians, we must do whatever we can to minister to the lost. One way to do that is to make sure we do nothing that harms people. My son died because a man who claimed to be a Christian didn’t care enough about him to get a vaccine or wear a mask so he wouldn’t carry the virus to him.

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, “Come to me all of you who labor … and you shall find rest…” The Church is people, not a building (1 Corinthians 3:16), and the Church’s task is to help people, not harm them. When Jesus was on Earth, He acted when humans could not. In Luke 5:4-9, when Peter had fished all night and caught nothing, Jesus told him to let down his net again. When he did, his catch was amazing.

Miracles in both the Old and New Testaments challenged humans to apply what God gave them. When the prophet Elisha told Naaman to wash in the Jordan seven times, he resisted that silly requirement. But when Naaman did it, his leprosy (the COVID of that day) was cured (2 Kings 5). God has given humans the ability to stop the virus, but we must use what He has given us.

The Bible makes it clear that God does not use force to accomplish His will. Even salvation is not forced on humans. In Acts 2:38-40, Peter says, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.” The Church’s task is to help people by sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus. Read Colossians 2:13-3:2 and ask yourself if you want to be a part of the world driven by fear and selfishness, even in the name of religion? Christians must care enough about others and about “the temple of the Holy Spirit” to make sure we do no harm to either.

— John N. Clayton © 2021

Spiritual Leprosy

Physical Leprosy and Spiritual LeprosyI have recently been involved in a study of leprosy. It seems to me that sin is spiritual leprosy.

Our modern-day version of leprosy is Hansen’s disease, which is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis. Leprosy is primarily a granulomatous disease, meaning that the immune system attempts to confine the bacteria since it can’t eradicate them. The disease infects the peripheral nerves and mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. Skin lesions are an external sign of the disease, and the condition is progressive. Leprosy does not make body parts fall off as some have said, but because of secondary infections, it does horrible collateral damage. There was and is no cure for leprosy. We have learned to control it, but not to eradicate it. In Jesus’ day, quarantine was the only remedy, controlled by the religious leaders of Israel. (Read Leviticus 13-14.)

I find it interesting that in the spiritual realm, there are significant parallels to leprosy. Some have tried to minimize sin and suggest that the idea of sin is just a device conceived by religious groups to control their members. The truth is that sin is real and has adverse effects on human lives similar to leprosy. As with physical leprosy, we can control or contain spiritual leprosy, but we can’t eradicate it in this life. Here are some of the parallels to leprosy that we should consider:

SIN SEPARATES US. Leprosy separated the victim from family and friends. They had to live “outside the camp.” Leprosy affected the person’s whole being, not just their skin. The skin condition was a symptom, not a cause. Sin does the same thing. It separates a person from family, friends, and associates. Sin affects a person in profound ways – what we think is funny, what we think about, how easily we lie or use people. Sin propels prejudice, stereotyping, and hatred. First John 2:11 tells us sin causes a person to walk in darkness, blinding the eyes.

SIN REQUIRES DIVINE ACTION. Lepers were the most hopeless people in that society, and only God could change their desperate state. The story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-17 ends with the pagan Naaman saying, “I know there is no God in all the earth but in Israel.” Jesus highlighted the magnitude of the problem of leprosy in Matthew 10:8. There Jesus lists the major miracles of His ministry: “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils and cleanse the lepers.” Cleansing lepers was right up there with raising the dead. Being embedded in sin is frequently a hopeless state. Sin is a primary cause of addiction, and addictions are hard to break. The notion of “looking to a higher power” is part of many programs to free people from addictions, and it means asking for divine help. Politicians have learned in recent years that a sin committed as a college student can follow you throughout your whole life. Spiritual leprosy is real. Denying it or trivializing it doesn’t change the consequences. Jesus is ready to heal, and there are a vast number of us in the world who can testify that His healing is real.

CURING LEPROSY AND CURING SIN HAVE TO BE DONE GOD’S WAY. The wonderful story of Naaman shows that only God’s solution works. Naaman became angry because the solution to his leprosy is too simple to believe. Being buried in baptism, as 1 Peter 3:21 tells us, is too simple for many people to believe. When someone says “I don’t see why…” they are following the lead of Naaman. They are saying that their intellectual understanding of the cure is not satiated so they won’t do it.

Romans 6:4 tells us that the real cure for sin is to “walk in newness of life…”. Acts 2:38 tells us that there is exclusive help for those who obey God and do as He commands. “You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” means a cure for spiritual leprosy. It isn’t flashy or dependent on humans in any way. However, as with Naaman, there is power that can set us free from the clutches of sin and allow us to walk in newness of life.
— John N. Clayton © 2019