Utah Lighthouse Ministry Closing 

Utah Lighthouse Ministry Closing 
Jerald and Sandra Tanner

In 1959 Jerald and Sandra Tanner began the Utah Lighthouse Ministry to help people struggling with Mormonism. The Tanners had come out of Mormonism and saw the conflicts between Mormon Church (LDS) teaching and the Bible. They wanted to help others by presenting accurate historical data and explanations of current Mormon practices. 

The Tanners have published a periodical called the Salt Lake City Messenger for years. In the December 2022 issue, Sandra Tanner announced that effective March 1, 2023, she will retire, and the ministry will cease to exist. Jerald passed away in 2006.

The Tanners also operate a bookstore with literally hundreds of hard-to-find titles on the Mormon Church and books on other subjects indirectly related to Mormonism. We have used materials from the Tanners when faced with apologetic issues concerning LDS

You can find various resources on the Utah Lighthouse Ministry’s website http://utlm.org/. For a list of book titles, go to http://utlm.org/navbooklist.htm. Starting February 1, 2023, they will have a closeout sale on all books. You can see a bibliography of materials published by the Tanners at http://utlm.org/onlineresources/pdf/tannerbibliography.pdf. They have online books available at this link http://utlm.org/navonlinebooks.htm. Also, you can purchase digital books at http://utlm.org/booklist/digitalbooks.htm. 

Mormonism is a dangerous cult with a horrible history. The Tanners and Utah Lighthouse Ministry have provided a unique source of information on LDS teachings and practices throughout the years. 

— John N. Clayton © 2022

The mailing address is Utah Lighthouse Ministry, PO Box 1884, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110-1884.

Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible

Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible and the Book of Mormon

Most of us have had two young Mormon evangelists show up at our door. They claim that the Bible was translated inaccurately, and an angel gave Joseph Smith visions to correct the errors. In the Mormon Latter Day Saints Articles of Faith, Joseph Smith wrote, “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God.” Joseph Smith attacked the “corrupted Bible” by producing his own version known as the Joseph Smith Translation (JST).

Smith quoted Genesis 6:52-53 as saying that Adam was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and was given the gift of the Holy Ghost by that process. He changed John 1:1 to say that “the gospel was preached through the Son. And the gospel was the word …” Smith did not go back to the original languages and had no access to ancient manuscripts for his translation. He claimed that God gave him the revisions for the Joseph Smith Translation.

Mormon writings contain many scientific and historical errors, some of which later Mormon leaders have removed by editing Joseph Smith’s original books. Examples include God cursing Indians (native Americans) with dark skin (2 Nephi 5:21&23, Jacob 3:3-9, Mormon 5:15-17, and Alma 3:6-109). Furthermore, if they accepted Mormon teachings, they would “become a white and delightsome people” (2 Nephi 30:5-7 and 3 Nephi 2:15). Sin causes baldness, according to 2 Nephi 13:24.

Our correspondence course contains an appendix with four pages of errors in the Book of Mormon. It is available on our doesgodexist.org website in the correspondence course section. You will also find that list of errors in appendix A (pages 164 to 167) of our book The Source: Eternal Design or Infinite Accident, available from the PowerVine Store.

For more information and materials showing the errors in Mormonism, read The Salt Lake City Messenger. It is published by the Utah Lighthouse Ministry, 1358 S. West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. You will find their website HERE.

We repeatedly make our arguments about the credibility of the Bible by going back to the original languages. Our Beyond Reasonable Doubt video series goes deeply into archaeological support and historical facts to back up our claims about the Bible. We wrote about it in our second quarter Does God Exist journal, which you can read HERE. You can watch the series on our Does Does God Exist? Media website. It is available for purchase from the PowerVine Store.

The Latter-Day Saints (LDS) conversion rate has dropped, and their growth rate has slowed from 4% in the 1980s to 1.5% in 2020. Their efforts toward children have grown to overcome this decrease, and we can expect a more aggressive approach from their missionaries as well. Before listening to the Mormon missionaries, we should know the errors of the Joseph Smith Translation and the Book of Mormon, and other false Mormon teachings.

Mormon Church Leadership

Mormon Church Leadership
In October of 2017 the Latter-Day Saints Church, better known as Mormons, celebrated its 187th Semiannual conference. The head of the Mormon Church leadership is its president Thomas S. Monson. He was appointed to the council of the twelve apostles in 1963 and became the president in 2008. He was not present at the conference because of health issues due to his age of 90 years. When Monson passes away, the office of prophet/president will go to Russell M. Nelson, the senior apostle who is 93.

Mormonism began in 1823 with a 24-year-old Joseph Smith claimed to have been visited by an angel and given golden plates which enabled him to establish the Church of Christ in 1830. Several years later the church was renamed The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Joseph Smith was appointed “a seer, a translator, a prophet, an apostle of Jesus Christ, and elder of the church.”

The DOES GOD EXIST? ministry deals with evidence. Is there any evidence from science to support the claims of the Mormon church? The answer to that question is “No.” The claimed tablets that were supposedly translated by Smith were never seen. The claimed location of the angelic appearance and burial of the tablets was near Palmyra, New York, but no archaeological support has been found.

The claims of Mormonism also lack biblical support and many of the teachings conflict with the Bible. Most of us are familiar with “Mormon Elders” who are young unmarried men who are sent into mission service and called elders. When we read the biblical description of elders in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 we see qualifications that these young men don’t have. The biblical concept of the congregation and how it functions and how it is governed has nothing in common with conferences or presidents. Whole books have been written on the lack of biblical support for the Mormon claims.

The history of the Mormon Church leadership is a story of violence, polygamy, and control. A great source for more information is the Utah Lighthouse Ministry, PO Box 1884, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110. Or visit their website www.utlm.org.
–John N. Clayton © 2017

Baptism for the Dead


Our ministry is designed to help people with faith problems. Most of our focus in on the scientific evidence for the existence of God and the credibility of the Bible. Unfortunately, we have to spend a significant amount of time dealing with people who have lost their faith in God because of the actions and/or teachings of people who claim to be Christians. Sometimes things are presented in the name of Christianity that are so outlandish that people can see they don’t make sense. When that happens, we find it’s something that isn’t in the Bible or is a distortion of what the Bible says.

In 1 Corinthians 15:29 the King James translation of the passage reads: “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?” The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, which is the top governing body of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (known as the Mormon Church), teaches that modern day Mormons should be baptized for dead ancestors who didn’t receive baptism while they were alive. On April 1-2, 2017, the Quorum met at a conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, that was broadcast in 90 languages throughout the world. They urged members of the Mormon church to participate in the “Baptism for the Dead” ritual.

We have already received some challenges from atheists and skeptics about this practice. The skeptics say that the concept of people choosing to believe in Christ and having the freedom to reject God is destroyed by this practice. We have to side with the atheists here and say that such a practice is ludicrous and makes a mockery of the purpose of baptism. God never forces people to believe or to accept a religious practice and no person can do so on behalf of someone else.

The Mormon baptism is a long way from the baptism described in the Bible. Romans 6 explains baptism as a dying to sin in complete repentance to no longer be a slave to sin. It is an act of becoming a “new person.” Baptism is never portrayed as a ticket to heaven done without understanding or choice. To correctly understand 1 Corinthians 15:29 we need to take it in context. The phrase “for the dead” in the original Greek is “huper nekroon.” This is more accurately translated “on account of.” In the context, beginning in verse 12 the Apostle Paul is writing about the resurrection of Christ. He is challenging those who say that Christ has not been raised from the dead. Then in verse 29, Paul is simply saying, “Why be baptized if there is no resurrection?” In verse 19 Paul points out the fact that if there is nothing after this life, Christians have no hope and should be pitied. But in the entire passage he is insisting that the resurrection of Christ is real, and therefore so will be the resurrection of Christ’s followers who have been baptized. (Examine Romans 6:3-5.) The notion that we can somehow do a proxy baptism flies in the face of everything Paul taught in the rest of the chapter and the rest of the New Testament.

If you are an atheist or a skeptic, it is important to be sure you know what the Bible actually says. Inaccurate translations or human misrepresentations of what the Bible says cannot be attacked as a part of the Christian system. Each of us must answer to God for ourselves. No one can do it for you while you are alive or when you are dead.
The Mormon teaching was reported in an AP news story by Brady McCombs carried in newspapers on Sunday, April 2, 2017.
–John N. Clayton © 2017

Mormons Teach that God Has a Wife.

Mormon Temple in San Diego, California

One of the doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS or Mormons) is that “All human beings, male and female, are beloved spirit children of heavenly parents, a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother.” (Quoted from the LDS.org website.) They teach that God is a mortal from another world who was resurrected and Mormons are told they too will become gods. These teachings and many others of the LDS church are in direct contradiction to the Bible and the teachings of Christianity. They are also completely without justification. If you would like to learn more about how to counter the false LDS teachings for yourself or someone you know, we recommend getting a copy of The Salt Lake City Messenger of the Utah Lighthouse Ministry. You can check the article index at: www.utlm.org/navnewsletters.htm. You can also subscribe for free. These Mormon doctrines fly in the face of the Bible and deny the very nature of God. If you are interested in learning more about God, you can read our free pamphlets online at www.doesgodexist.org. A good place to start is with the pamphlet “Who Created God?” www.doesgodexist.org/Pamphlets/WhoCreatedGod.html
–John N. Clayton © 2017