Superbowl Flu and Learning from History

Superbowl Flu and Learning from History

The further America gets from God, the closer it is to collapse. The history of past nations that achieved greatness and then collapsed should be a wake-up call for us. We should be learning from history as we see this pattern has been repeated over and over.

On February 9, 2025, the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles will compete in Superbowl 59. The game is always on Sunday, and the country basically shuts down for the game. Churches will cancel or postpone their worship services. Businesses will cease operation except for bars and casinos with big-screen TVs. People will spend thousands of dollars on tickets, transportation, and lodging for the game.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying a game, but millions of Americans are expected to come down with the “Superbowl flu” and call in sick on the day after the game. If an enemy of the United States attacked on February 10 of this year, would they find American society ill-equipped to defend itself?

On July 4, 1952, President Harry Truman established the “National Day of Prayer,” encouraging Americans to pray for peace and an end to the war going on at that time. Americans widely accepted that idea in 1952, but it is virtually ignored today.

Our society must start learning from history of past nations and cultures. We must demand that our leaders be men and women of moral principles, setting the example for others. The “Superbowl flu” is just one symptom of our country’s sickness. A look at political proposals and how people now treat their neighbors leaves no doubt about our nation’s sickness.

Will the United States start learning from history or continue following the path of other nations? That choice is up to the citizens of this country and whether they will understand and act on the facts of history or join the disastrous decisions being made at all levels in our country.

— John N. Clayton © 2025

Who Is to Blame for Cancer?

Who Is to Blame for Cancer?

Whom do you blame when you learn you have cancer? Many people blame God, but human actions often cause cancer. It is well-known that alcohol causes 13,500 deaths from drunk driving every year in the United States. It is not well-known that alcohol causes 20,000 cancer deaths in the U.S. every year. Who is to blame for cancer?

Dr. Timothy Rebbeck, a professor of cancer prevention at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, says that alcohol has long been known as leading to cancers of the mouth, esophagus, breast, liver, and colon. However, he says that recent studies have shown “even occasional alcohol consumption” is associated with other kinds of cancer risks.

The human body breaks down alcohol into chemicals that damage DNA, causing cells to grow out of control and become cancerous. Alcohol can also block the body from breaking down nutrients, leading to increased cancer risks. It can increase the blood levels of estrogen, leading to a higher risk of breast cancer. When combined with smoking, the National Cancer Institute says the risk is “multiplicative.”

Alcoholic drink companies have suggested that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol is good for one’s health, but research shows that even one drink per day increases cancer risk. Who is to blame for cancer? Between alcohol, nicotine, pollution, and recreational drugs, a massive percentage of cancer deaths are caused by humans. Even second-hand smoke is a cause of cancer.

In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, we read, “Do you not know that you are God’s sanctuary and that God’s Spirit has his home in you? If anybody desecrates the temple of God, God will bring him to ruin, for the temple of God is sacred, and so you are.” God does not cause cancer, but He does not prevent the consequences of taking dangerous substances into our bodies.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: “Can alcohol cause cancer?” in USA Today by Eduardo Cuevas, January 3, 2025

Reasons for Divorce

Reasons for Divorce

The Saturday Evening Post reprinted a survey of the reasons for divorce compiled in 1950 based on 425 divorce case files. The author, David G. Wittles, ignored what he called the “symptoms” and listed these nine as the actual causes of divorce:

1) Emotional immaturity
2) Our modern industrial civilization, which has wiped out many of the material reasons for family life.
3) The idea that romantic love is the main reason and sufficient basis for marriage.
4) Parental disapproval and mother-in-law trouble.
5) Differences in background.
6) Finances and lack of housing.
7) Jobs for women.
8) Ambition.
9) Infidelity.

We can speculate whether those are the same reasons for divorce today, but the bottom line is that when we throw out God’s plan, divorce is likely. A current survey would be very interesting.

Biblical marriage came about because (1) It is not good for men (or women) to be alone and (2) Men need a helper to fill in for what they cannot do by themselves – also true for women. (See Genesis 2:18). In 1 Corinthians 7:1-5, Paul explains the physical side of marriage, and all studies have shown that the best sex is with one faithful partner. Those who look for modern solutions to their sexual needs are 100% sure not to find them. The effect that marriage has on raising children is another essential part of this discussion. Blended families can work, but a stable nuclear family is the long-term best way to raise a child.

Ephesians 6:1-4 and Colossians 3:21 spell out what God intended for fathers to be. This has nothing to do with conception but how children are loved and cared for by the male image in their childhood. God’s plan has worked for centuries, and the basic needs of men, women, and children have not changed.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: “The Real Reason for Divorce” in the January/February 2025 issue of the Saturday Evening Post, page 76

Dry January and Alcohol

Dry January and Alcohol

Over a decade ago, people in the United Kingdom began a tradition called Dry January, in which participants pledged to give up alcohol for a month. According to National Geographic, more than 20% of Americans now participate. A part of this is due to educated people understanding what alcohol does to the human body.

When a person consumes alcohol, the liver breaks it down to acetaldehyde, which is highly toxic and a known carcinogen. In addition to damaging the liver, alcohol can cause serious damage to the heart, pancreas, brain, and gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol use is associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, dysbiosis (which is damage to the lining of the intestines), and certain types of cancer. It even weakens the immune system and impairs the brain.

Liver disease caused by alcohol is fat accumulation, leading to inflammation, scarring, and ultimately to cirrhosis – which is irreversible. Until the cirrhosis stage, the liver has an enormous regenerative capacity and could benefit from a Dry January. According to Carrie Mintz of Washington University in St. Louis, “…you can have noticeable health effects when you stop drinking alcohol for a month.”

It is essential to understand that this situation has worsened in modern times because modern distillation increases the alcohol content. In the days of Jesus, water was universally contaminated. Paul advised Timothy, “Do not continue to drink water only, but make use of a little wine for your digestion and your frequent ailments” (1 Timothy 5:23). In John 2, we read of Jesus turning the water into wine during a wedding feast, a very long affair when people needed to drink water treated with quality wine. The wedding feast was a feast and celebration, not a drunken brawl.

Steven Tate, a physician at Stanford University, describes alcohol use in America for many people as a “slip into an addiction.” There is no question that alcohol is the most destructive recreational drug in human history. Getting people to abstain for a month during Dry January may be an answer to reversing the trend as long as some other drug like marijuana doesn’t take its place.

— John N. Clayton © 2025
Reference: National Geographic magazine January 2025, pages 107-109 or online HERE

Food Shortages and Hunger

Food Shortages and Hunger

A recent document from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations shows the following data about food shortages and hunger on our planet:

1) Up to 757 million people faced hunger in 2023 – 152 million more than in 2019.

2) In 2023, 864 million people were food insecure, meaning they ran out of food at times during the year.

3) In Africa, 20.4% of the people are facing hunger.

4) 2.8 Billion people on our planet could not afford a healthy diet in 2022.

Human greed, selfishness, and ignorance cause food shortages and hunger. What should we do about it? In Matthew 25:35 and 42, Jesus invites those who gave the hungry something to eat and drink into His kingdom, while those who failed to do so are excluded. Jesus fed thousands of needy people. (See Matthew 14:13-21.)

Those of us blessed with adequate food and clean drinking water must reach out to those in need. We support 13 Christian organizations supplying food and water to needy people. Skeptics and atheists are not motivated to do this. If your belief system is “survival of the fittest,” you can write off the percentage of humanity in need and consider them “less fit.”

We can give you contact information if you want to get involved in Christian projects to provide food and water. Just email me at You can be part of the solution to the food problem.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The Divisive Media and America

The Divisive Media and America

Much of the conflict and violence we see today has been caused by the media’s tendency to promote its own agenda. When you turn to the divisive media for news, you don’t get a positive image of America; instead, you get a presentation of the particular view of the channel and its representatives. This is more than just promoting a political party. It is also a view that rejects faith in God, biblical teaching, and Christian values.

We received an anonymous written piece that expresses the divisive media issue. It is titled “I once was a normal person” and describes the situation in this way:

“I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person. I was born white into a two-parent household, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me privileged, a racist, and responsible for slavery. I went to school for 19 years and have always held a job. But now I find out that I am not here because I earned it but because I was ‘advantaged.’ I think, and I reason, and I doubt most of what the ‘mainstream’ media tells me, which makes me a right-wing conspiracy nut. I am heterosexual and believe it is the best foundation for raising children and having defined roles in family life, and that makes me homophobic. I follow the biblical teaching about money and morality, and I plan, budget, and support myself, and that makes me a fascist.”

Will America survive as a nation where we can worship God according to the teachings of the Bible, or will we collapse into another civilization with no moral standards and no personal rights, with democracy only a thing of the past? Ancient civilizations collapsed when the people accepted state-run control of right and wrong, and no fixed standard guided the state. Will we learn from history or repeat it?

The message of the divisive media today will only accelerate the demise of this once-great nation. Only if we “normal persons” refuse to listen to the bias of the media will the course of our country be different from nations of the past.

— John N. Clayton © 2024

Title IX and Gender Problems

Title IX and Gender Problems

Legal cases have increased as more and more schools have forced children to accept members of the opposite sex in their restrooms and locker rooms, and no sport can exclude anyone based on gender. This is the result of politicians changing definitions in federal laws. Title IX is a federal law enacted in 1972 stating that schools could not discriminate based on sex. That was to give women the right to educational opportunities and sports participation previously open only to boys. I was teaching in a public high school then. To conform to that law, our school had to add a girls’ swimming, track, golf, and tennis team, all of which had previously been for boys only.

In the last few years, the government changed the wording of Title IX so schools could not discriminate “on the basis of gender identity.” That means boys who identify as girls cannot be prohibited from girl’s teams in any sport, locker rooms, or restrooms where boys would not be allowed. Also, no school activity could exist where only boys can participate. This is not an effort to accommodate trans girls and boys. We now have cases where boys who do not claim to be girls are visiting girls’ restrooms and locker rooms, and girls are entering programs for boys.

This ministry deals with evidence and facts. Churches need to pay attention to the fact that they will be unable to have male or female restrooms in their facilities. Because of redefining Title IX, all restrooms must be open to all genders. Personal privacy will no longer be allowed, and the biological differences between males and females will no longer be recognized. The fact is that males are generally taller, stronger, and faster than females. Denying biological differences does not change the fact that in the sport of shot put, a high school girl will not be able to throw the shot as far as a high school boy can.

Genesis 2:18 tells us that God created a “help meet” for Adam. The Hebrew word for help in this passage is “ezer,” and is used repeatedly in the Bible. (See Deuteronomy 33:7, Psalms 33:20 and 121:2 for examples.) It refers to someone who fills in what a man cannot do. Eve was not inferior to Adam. She was biologically different and filled Adam’s needs or lacks. Making a law that denies a difference between genders is contrary to common sense and violates biblical teaching.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
References: Faith and Justice (a publication of the Alliance Defending Freedom)
for November 2024, pages 5-7, and The Federalist.

The Recreational Use of Cannabis

The Recreational Use of Cannabis

Cannabis use in the United States has skyrocketed as many states have legalized it as a recreational drug. It is essential to understand that cannabis can be used for medical purposes to treat pain, nausea, insomnia, and various other disorders associated with chemotreatments. The issue is the recreational use of cannabis.

Forty-eight million Americans use cannabis regularly, making it a 33-billion-dollar industry. Cannabis products go far beyond the 1995 joints of weed with 4% THC content. We now have vape pens, oils, drinks, gummies, and lollipops with THC concentrations as high as 70%.

Amazingly, people are doing this without attention to the harm caused by the recreational use of cannabis. Alcohol has been around for a very long time, and we are just now finding its damaging effects on humans. A recent study reported in Animal Models and Experimental Medicine shows that alcohol causes women to experience disrupted menstruation and ovulation, including fertility issues, and affects men’s sexual function and sperm production. If we are only now learning the harmful effects of alcohol, imagine what we will learn about cannabis when it can be thoroughly studied.

Research is already showing a high correlation between psychotic disorders and cannabis use. A recent Danish study has shown that as many as 30% of schizophrenia cases could be attributed to the use of cannabis. Canadian research has shown that teens using cannabis are eleven times more likely to develop a psychotic disorder than non-users, and more than 4.5 million teens use cannabis daily.

Why do people use recreational cannabis? Could it be because our culture has rejected God as a source of well-being and people are seeking solutions to their emotional needs? The substitute for following biblical instructions has been the use of various recreational drugs, and cannabis is the latest drug of choice.

People choose to ignore the scientific evidence for the destructive nature of drugs as a substitute for faith. Biblical passages like 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 make the consequences clear: “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit has His home in you. If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will bring them to ruin. For the temple of God is sacred, and that is what you are.” God does not prevent the consequences if we choose to abuse our bodies. We have seen that with previous recreational drugs, and it is already apparent with the recreational use of cannabis.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
References: The Week 11/8/24, page 11, and Reader’s Digest for November 24, 2024, page 40

E-cigarettes Have Created a Teen Vaping Problem

E-cigarettes Have Created a Teen Vaping Problem

As America moves away from God, young people are desperately searching for a substitute for the peace that faith brings. Since they came on the market in 2007, e-cigarettes have created a teen vaping problem. When a person inhales vapor laced with nicotine, the drug is quickly absorbed through the blood vessels and can reach the brain in as little as 10 seconds. This rapid absorption means that addiction comes very quickly.

Roughly 2.8 million young people use tobacco products, according to The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control. One in four of those using e-cigarettes say they use them every day. Data on long-term use of e-cigarettes is limited. Young people assume that vaping is safer than cigarettes, but frequently, other toxic chemicals are in the ingredients.

The 2023 Verkada Teen Vaping Survey of 2,650 Americans found that 96% of teenagers who vape view it as a problem, and 61% consider themselves addicted. More than half (54%) of the teens expressed a desire to quit vaping. The Vercada survey also found that 9 out of 10 teachers reported vaping to be disruptive to learning environments. When users who vape don’t have access to nicotine, they become agitated and sometimes belligerent. Anger management becomes an issue. This causes school attendance problems and conflicts with the students’ families. It’s also an issue for the Church as many teens who vape find it hard to participate in teen classes or activities.

Christians must learn about the dangers of nicotine and alcohol. In the New Testament, we find Christ and the apostles warning repeatedly about the dangers of the world, and vaping joins the list of world agents that bring addiction, heartbreak, conflict, and death. Help for teen vaping addiction is available at THIS LINK.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Reference: “The Problem Clouding the Classroom” in the NEA Magazine for October 2024, pages 38-41.

The Curse of Incarceration

The Curse of Incarceration

The Does God Exist? ministry recently mailed out our 6,000th apologetics course to a person in prison. Over the years, we have presented our programs in prisons throughout the United States. I recently had a conversation with an inmate who said he was glad to be in jail, where he was learning things from other prisoners to help him not get caught when he gets out and resumes his life of crime. This shows that the curse of incarceration is not working.

The solution to this curse is to change our concept of how to handle a person who has committed a crime. From a financial standpoint, when taxpayers must pay for a person who will be in jail for many years or even life, the cost is massive. There are some bright spots in this very dark problem. In Texas, a program called C.A.S.A (Christians Against Substance Abuse) has been able to change the lives of literally thousands of incarcerated men and women through education and counseling. Several chaplains in Texas prisons are using the “New Life Behavior” curriculum.

Recently, two factors have made getting our life lesson materials to prisoners more challenging. The mail service is more expensive, and prisons have extreme requirements for delivery because so many prisoners have received mail with hidden drugs.

Christians believe that every human being is created in the image of God and should be shown the “agape” kind of love that Jesus taught. (See Matthew 5:43-44.) Prisons should be places where people are rehabilitated, not tortured. We cage dangerous animals, and caging a human is like caging a vicious dog. It doesn’t make the dog less vicious. That is the curse of incarceration.

Educating and rehabilitating humans would be far less expensive than our present system, where most prisoners are simply learning how to be smarter criminals and commit more crimes when released. Will America wake up to this need? If it happens, Christians are the ones who will lead the way.

— John N. Clayton © 2024
Information on CASA is available from Kings Crossing Prison Ministries at